I wanted to call this quick article: China Will Invade The West – but that’s just so awful I changed it to; Will China Invade The West? I perhaps also should have added U.N. in there too – since we are seeing the rise of ‘globalist’ supra-national entities calling the world shots and the installation of ‘supra-national’ leaders willing to ignore the wants of their own people and nation in favour of taking protocols from these world organisations. That said – I just feel this in my bones this is what is going to happen sooner or later – not very scientific and I sincerely hope it’s way off in tin-foil land!
Anyway – I just saw an (not very recent) video of Joe Biden saying; what’s all the surprise about – guess what?.. China owns America! I’ve known since at least 1996 that China was joining hands business-wise with western weasels and would join hands politically with elements within America (and the West) and that has come to pass. The US has been sold out – hence Joe’s hard to find video above (I will post it when I find it again).
But the point of this post is, that I believe at some point – who knows when – next week or in ten years, China will come for it’s money by invading the West and probably several allies and Russia (perhaps not militarily) and Western leaders will hand it to them as they’ve demonstrated they are willing to do already – so long as they’re promised a seat at the table of power – which in reality will be polishing their boots if they’re lucky. I sincerely hope this never happens but I can see it approaching more so every day.
Why else would there be this massive push to weaken the US military and wear out the US people’s resolve with endless infighting caused by American politicians and businessmen that are always glorifying China and pontificating on it’s greatness? But I wouldn’t call enslaving a third of the world and subjugating your entire population to social credit scores great at all. Disgusting in fact – but whatever China does – those two evils are coming to The West period. They are in fact already here.
Now I see New York Post – behind the curve as mainstream media always are, cite Joe Biden saying quote: “China will own America in 15 years,” and everyone wondering what this means (despite the fact he says they already own it on a video mentioned above – which is predictably ‘mysteriously’ hard to find.
What this means is simply this: politicians, big-tech and business (“the ‘great’ men of the earth“) will sell out the nations further and merge at least in terms of a shared computer networks and control of the world’s population with completely together with China under the coming world communist/capitalist regime – the one foretold of (not predicted) in The Bible. Which person will be picked out to sit at the helm remains to be seen – but there are some are contending hard by parroting all the right scripts – Trudeau and others like him.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)