Here’s my 2 minute thought for the day – excuse the poor writing;
Hasn’t all data, comments, posts, photos and everything else written on the internet has been added by a person from a remote location? So why then in these times when we can store terabytes of data on tiny home or hand-held devices does it have to be ‘uploaded’ to some big-tech data-mining company away from that person’s home or device when it could simply remain the person’s device and be accessed by other devices from there by way of a database server on that device. And when they are offline the data is served by neutral caching centres (or other personal devices in the ‘trusted’ network – perhaps friends in a road or family) where the data does get uploaded that are constantly updated – something we already have?
In fact – why is the cloud still the same as data always was?.. simply large computers in data centres and called ‘the cloud’ as if they were in some etherial place? Isn’t it time the Internet and all the information on it – ie – every pice of data was stores (and recalled) from every device itself – thus ridding the need for severs or data-mining companies that sell our data? In other words – go back to the original idea of the Internet whereby data was spread on millions of devices BUT NOT devices all owned by large companies with huge budgets that can afford the computers but devices we hold in our homes and hands?
The banks having my money for free to invest and profit from is bad enough – and unnecessary. But I’m really sick of Tech companies having my private data – also totally unnecessary
All that’s required is for our devices to remain online for some period. Now each home has a central device sitting in the owner’s lounge and contain ALL their web data – all their posts, forum answers, wikipedia inserts and personal data and all these are cached (for when the user turns off device) and updated the moment they update it from their device.
Google and Fecebook is dead – like the old days of bit-torrents – we become the Internet
This way ALL our data – and the world’s data that needs to be private and information remains with us – the people – in our homes – our devices become the editors which is uploaded to our home servers and home databases and this is queried by other users around the globe and the data centres become US! We become the caching servers.
We are led to believe our data is only SAFE in some big secure data centre – BS!
What about hacking? Simple – instead of pouring billions into making the tech-monsters bigger pour it into security and data exchange security. I simply DO NOT BELIVE that data cannot be secured with some out of the box thinking – in fact – I have a feeling it’s very simple to the right person.
All that’s needed are what I call ‘Personal Nodes’ on a simple app to create a private network within a public network
A simple app or browser could easily link to Facebook and display your data as if it was part of the site seamlessly without the other users having any idea the data they are seeing is not stored on Facebook or Twitter – it just looks that way as the page data is scraped and rendered to look that way. So only users of the new app would see the ‘extra’ Twitter or Facebook posts – a sort of exclusive private network within a public network.
But this is not some snobby silicon valley tech-club – but a club simply exclusive only because the people on it own and have their own data stored on their own devices and you can only see it by joining and participating. If this scraping and rearranging of Facebook data to gain back our privacy is against their rules – so be it – they will look terrible taking people to court who are simply attempting to regain their stolen data.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: