What’s this got to do with Christianity? Let’s do a thought experiment; if I was a nefarious state or actor (I am not) and wanted to do maximum damage to another state – let’s examine the different options one might use and why.
Free 101 tip: when you want to understand what’s happening in the world, or want to predict the future actions of government organisations working with wealthy businessmen, in this day and age – a good starting point would be to imagine you are a) an atheist – where survival of the fittest is to be admired and trumps human life (unless it’s yours – because ‘the fittest’ to such people is not physical strength, but intelligence – why else would the universe have blessed them alone with oversized brains and ordained them to rule the cosmos?) and b) imagine you yourself are a bad actor with bad intent – not always easy but hey – we are all sinners.

It’s a fact we are told (so no need to check): Globalists are born with significantly larger brains than the rest of us – so it’s only fitting they make the rules.
All you have to do then, is imagine how you and your super-wealthy self-appointed friends in high places (all promoting socialism for everyone else no less) would seek to run the earth and the minions therein (we sky-monster believing plebs) with you and them, all having seats at the coming small table of power. Honestly, who could resist such an offer with a seat on the ark thrown in for free?
Would bad actors use physical warfare in 2022?
No not in this day and age. The main reason is it’s overt (the best war is fought when your enemy does not know it’s happening). But the other extremely important reason is because if I’ve damaged half of a country’s infrastructure there are less spoils of war left after the event when I want to take over – and absolutely nothing to take over after a nuclear attack.
Would bad actors use biological warfare in 2022?
Now we are on the right track and thinking like some or our world political and business leaders. Say just by some random chance – I and my friends wanted to implement Global Digital ID on the entire world – because we were getting a little more than concerned they – the ‘pitchfork’ wielding plebs had figured out the game that me and my mates have been playing for a few hundred years – say for argument’s sake (I’m not suggesting for one moment they are actually doing this) – legalised robbery, money and data laundering, racketeering, price-fixing, arms dealing and dodgy trading, profiling and collecting everyone’s private data then cleaning up and pretending you haven’t – minor stuff like that.
Our first and biggest problem is that free Western nations who’s forefathers fought with their blood to obtain it from British and other tyrants and know their history – WILL NEVER give themselves up to slavery willingly. The young who don’t know history – that’s simple, as we see them all rolling over to accept anything new and shiny that the government promises them for an easier more ‘convenient’ life.
As as aside – it’s funny, because when I was a small boy (6 years old) – I remember standing in the playground and concluding that adults were very bad underneath their polite amenable veneers, because they pretend to be good and admonish us children to be ‘adult’ and ‘grown up’ like them – yet watching the news every night it was obvious that they were the cause of all the world’s problems. This caused me depression for several decades until finally I came to terms with it – and the fact that I was a sinner too. My father asked me recently when I told him about this struggle with depression; “did you finally realise things weren’t so bad?” I replied; “No – I realised they were 100 times worse but I have now accepted the Bible was right and the only cure is personal self reform.” (under God and the ten – actually if you read them – fairly simple to keep commandments. How hard is it not to steal or honour your parents? Not very I wager; perhaps they should be back in every home and school where they used to be).
‘Weakening the nations’ – look up this very interesting term from the Bible
But back to how to get the older wiser folks on board with global government (it’s been the goal since the war and before – going back to Babylon – top-down imposition of law (think social credit scoring) is man’s best effort at achieving peace and is a very poor substitute for Jesus’s answer of bottom-up free and personal self-reform leading to social reform and national reform). It’s FAR better to approach it from a psychological angle – crippling the country you want to subdue and control using fear that most people probably haven’t studied (like health for instance). So the best way to begin a country’s demise in 2022, is to make sure they have LOTS of ill people, but who crucially are NOT dying. Why? Because if half a population is ill – it will very soon financially and economically cripple the country’s economic state and health services – not to mention that demoralised people are easier to give in to your demands (bullies always make impossible demands).
But even better still – BETTER BY FAR – is a perpetually ill population or one that thinks it is, or may be in the future – that is also psychologically and mentally terrified of something returning. That sort of population cannot function in any walk of life at all; family, work, day to day and so on. It is GUARANTEED to collapse over time on it’s own without any other intervention.
The best bioweapon for a bad actor would not be a deadly one – but a highly infectious non-lethal one
So – the summary is, that the best biological weapon in this day and age is a mildly dangerous virus that is HIGHLY infectious. Remember – simply having a virus until 2019 has NEVER meant you are ill – now we are told, that a carrier, even with no symptoms is sick. It’s not true. If you are ill – you have to be ill to be ill. If you are not ill – you are not ill. Sorry to be so puerile).
But think about that for a minute; what do we know that most people have been told is highly infectious – but that has turned out as many of us expected to be exceptionally NON-lethal – but nevertheless has recently crippled many nation’s economies, and is constantly threatening to come back via mutations? (and before you say it was very lethal – ask yourself how many funerals you attended in the last 2 years of deaths regarding the actual illness that was NOT – I repeat NOT put into hospital with other sick people – that did NOT have co-morbidities and was NOT given on end-of-life drugs and/or ventilation – we suspected and now know a deadly protocol in itself – the answer for me is a grand NONE). And don’t get me started on all the multiple tiers of payments that were offered to health organisations and doctors for positive diagnoses and using specified protocols (yes – this is what really makes me ill – the whole thing is nauseating). Ah yes – now you know what I mean.
Why would ANYONE do this using a health as a pretext?
ANSWER: Global Government. It’s simple to understand really – but here’s why if you haven’t thought about it: for global government to be accepted by nation states, you need to rally the ENTIRE world and get them behind your demand for global government.
Now, one way you might do this would be to ask the people of those nations to support a cause that to argue against would automatically alienate them from their fellow man who would deem them anti-human – ie a ‘bad person’ if they did not support. So – it must be a global threat – NOT national one. Something like the threat of a global disease outbreak, an asteroid hitting the earth, a climate related catastrophe, nuclear war, or even – yes – even according to supposedly sane folks like the Pope – an alien invasion.
But for all this too really work (ie no way for the people to change their mind if they decide it’s unwise to put the entire world under a global government) global government requires Global ID for EVERYONE. Something like a global passport or ID you can flash at check points like shops and stations. No need for “papers please” now – that’s seriously old school.
Buy the biggest hurdle to all this global governance is as follows: there is NO WAY on God’s green earth, that free Western nations who’s forefather’s fought for freedom with their blood against innumerable tyrants wishing to keep their fellow man in perpetual slavery (like men have done to other men since the beginning of time and will always do because man is self-serving) – let alone poorer countries unable resist impositions of nefarious laws and mandates by wealthy men – and who have documents like The Constitution are specifically designed to protect them from bad actors who want to centralise government and rule over other lesser humans – would accept Global digital ID if asked nicely.
Is there another deeper reason why bad actors might do all this?
Apart from the fact the Bible says so – that ultimately ALL men (not some – all) will be made slaves – in a sense it even got the digital bit right as it said without a number you cannot buy and sell. And all this will be brought about by “the great men of the earth” – who we are told are “the merchants” – note, NOT the political leaders – and this happened because men forgot God and “did not love truth they were sent strong delusion” – and this delusion – “the great men of the earth brought about by their Pharmakia” (translated sorcery) – then what’s the other reason one might do this?
Well if you are the majority stakeholder, and in a sense own (or perhaps stolen a great proportion of) virtually everything (think of the companies Blackrock or Vanguard) and there is nothing more to gain from the world but full control of all the worlds people and resources – and you don’t want folks to find out how it was done – and in days of old be held to account by pitchforks – then you might well feel this is the next logical step to preserve your wealth (and by extension power).
How would anyone get away with all this?
Easy! Wall-to-wall distraction in the form of infighting; race-war – gender war – national war – health war – war in politics – and every other distraction that is presently taking place all over the globe simultaneously.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)