Look – I keep reading stories of and watching people saying – why is this all happening? I’m referring to the virus breakout – the endless lockdowns – the virus strains – the va____ine – the inoculating of millions of people across the world – the bigging up and re-arranging of data? The police – ordinary men and women following frighteningly draconian orders from their masters reminiscent of he 1930s – craziness we are seeing everywhere. What’s happening?!! Surely no one would be that evil to conspire to create this whole hot mess?
“God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar”
Many groups – many reasons – common b€n£fit$
Well the answer is no – no ONE would. But since I predicted what would happen the day after I watched the videos of people falling over dead in China (if I was head of C.C.P. I would have made it look as bad as possible to bring down West economically – jus sayin’) – and have been expecting the word would be shoe-horned into a global digital world order since I began reading the bible in the early 90’s and countless other Christians (not least St John) years before I did saw the same (though I did not foresee it being done with a virus) – I do feel slightly qualified to answer this question having correctly predicted Brexit landslide outcome – an eventual lame EU ‘deal’ – Trump’s easy wining in 2016 – and the left realising their error (only manipulating a few votes to nudge the result to a Hillary Clinton win because they didn’t understand that we conservatives had been hiding and not responding to polls (same as Brexit) – yes a Hillary Clinton voter and statistician scientist has shown they did this using search engines mainly by omission) and his prompt removal one way or other in 2020) against all the media and common views and was correct. I wan’t alone – we use a different lens to look at the big picture – though I hate that phrase! Maybe it’s time – instead of modelling complex Covid19 charts – we start modelling complex Covid related funding charts (products, services, political) and see who or what lies at the centre?
God reveals complex thing of the world to the simple to shame the wise – if that’s me – fine!
So first, several powerful groups – some related – others not – could benefit greatly from a perceived pandemic such as the one we are seeing and everything it brings. One saying I’d like you to keep in mind when trying to understand what appears on the surface very complex – but what to my mind is actually very simple and transparent – is the saying; the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That said, here are the bullet pointed factors that explain what is happening is happening – as always – in my humble and quite unlearned opinion;
- First China. They understand the West and Western mindset and better than Westerners (I mean the average person – you and me – not top level Western often very learned politicians). It is a FACT they are intent on bringing Western democracy down by weakening it (as continents that contain masses of free people – with Internet communications poses an deadly threat to their preferred method of ruling by iron grip (social scoring and the rest coming to the West soon incidentally)). It is a fact that an escaped virus would offer not just a good – but the PERFECT means to do it and has featured in novels for decades for that reason. I am NOT saying this was done (it might have been) – merely pointing out how it COULD benefit ANY nefarious communist world power to weaken and destroy Western democracies from within (USA is actually a Republic but certain folks like to confuse the two, in any case I now use the term democracy a loosely). If someone wanted to – they could easily achieve this goal of weakening its’ enemies psychologically, physically, but most importantly economically as all the previous damages could be done via the last. It would constitute the perfect economic crime since the source as an escaped virus would be almost impossible to prove. It could be blamed on any number of groups or organisations foreign or at home, and as we are already seeing – endless fingers are being pointed while Rome burns and who done it will remain an endless sea of grey. The scope of damage this can do to ‘snowflaked’ Western societies – especially the young who have never had to endure hardship as in the past would be limitless. We are told it was a ‘wet market’ and people are still arguing which plays perfectly into any bad actor – that is – your enemy is squabbling internally – it’s an age-old strategy and called divide and rule. Incidentally – we at 101 said it came from Wuhan Lab at the very start and have never changed our stance – call it intuition if you like. Now – remember that children in the West for decades have been indoctrinated by our own leaders and teachers that the West is the threat to the world and that China is some economic miracle and a model we should all look to and that their human rights atrocities will all stop once they are ‘on their feet’ (economically). High IQ persons that repeat this false mantra are either learned fools or liars and know better but it suits their career and ultimately their pocket.
- The ‘Left’: love him or loath him – this outbreak would offer the PERFECT means to wear out and remove Donald Trump – and as far as the left goes according to their own words – he MUST be at any cost. He knew from day one he was doomed if he did – doomed if he didn’t do something about it in break-neck time. This is exactly how it was used. Incidentally – have you noticed how the ‘left’ have championed China as a great example of the future they want and never bring them to book for their humanitarian crimes?
- The media: Watch the under cover video of director of CNBC (I must double check channel and post the video) the programming boasting that ‘falsifying the number (upwards) is an absolute necessity for viewing figures. Take into account the fact that Trump – like him or loath him was determined to undermine the media that he saw (rightly or wrongly) as crooked – so this would also play into the medias goal to help their friends on the ‘left’ achieve (2).
- Globalists: a pandemic plays PERFECTLY into the hands of anyone who wishes to move the world towards global government (that is most of todays politicians and CEOs and I would argue we’ve had global government for some time and it’s it not politicians but that’s another article). Why? Because THEY SAID SO! Go and watch them say it on video and on their very many interwoven websites.
- Global Governing Bodies: a pandemic plays PERFECTLY into all those working in and for global government (and this has been in the works for many decades). It is my belief (in fact I’m certain) that the world is ALREADY under a global government and national governments are just vestigial outfits taking their lasts breaths. Don’t believe me – take a look at the people above quite gleefully telling us this.
- Politicians seeking election, donations and wanna-be kings; not much need to say here – we all know how Peter pays Paul and their dealings can often be done without uttering a word as they all went to the same schools of bad-business. And it doesn’t always need to be in hard cash. There are favours and more favours and jets and holiday homes and relaxing of regulations and on and on. Flooding secure countries with poor migrants seeking a better life (who wouldn’t?) is a means to destabilise Western nations further and gain votes in the process to secure continuous power and move towards a set at the global table.
- ‘Petit’ crime being ignored and dangerous criminals released for ‘good behaviour’ (there’s a joke if ever I heard one) being allowed to roam free. Hmm.. I wonder what that could result in? The public to call for global ID to be enforced perhaps? Remember – the folks in charge of our laws are about as creative as my ****.
- All of the above are ‘friends’ in the sense that they all believe in the same goal of moving the world towards humanistic globalism (we won’t discuss why big tech CEO billionaires are paradoxically socialist here – there is a very simple explanation) and this requires a concentration of power in a few hands and a scientific technocracy. This is no secret as they believe right or wrong this will solve all the world’s ills. Weather they are right or wrong is not what this article is about.
- Atheist and New Age movement; this plays perfectly into their hands as anything which removes a God one must be accountable to is to be championed.
- Now to the No.1 pointer as to why this is happening; $$$. This is not so much about those at the top of the financial pyramid being interested in money (power is of greater interest to them and many are well intentioned) – but more about all those below them that will feel pressured to turn a blind eye to anything they know is wrong to retain their paycheque and feed their families – live, might be a better word. lt goes without saying – a pandemic does play into the bottomless pockets of countless big-phama shareholders and scientists and their friends in politics. I’m sorry to say that yes – men with big investments WILL look the other way when underhand business is taking place if it gives them a good – or better a huge return. For them – one that’s never ending such as tri-yearly inoculations to every person on the planet would be better than finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
- Many nations would be gleeful at the demise of The West (and to some degree I understand) and so be more than happy to turn a blind eye to non-truths regarding the situation we find ourselves. Specifically the USA and Britain. I won’t say who these groups and nations are – but we all know. One starts with E – and ends in urope. If you want to know why the answer lies where it always does – pride. That’s all I’ll say on that.
- All of the above have A COMMON ENEMY; who for goodness sake? Jesus Christ and the words of The Bible. Jesus is all about making men free – the antithesis of what is about to happen (all men are about to be made digital slaves forever with no chance of reversal). Remember I said, keep in mind; the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Christ is the common enemy of all these forces. He’s a threat to their utopian plans (he says if men will reform themselves – in turn will reform families communities and nations in that order – ie bottom up – then heaven will build itself – ie we don’t need them to build a pseudo-heaven for us that can only be imposed top-down over a sea of blood). Nothing has any power to bring down any of these groups except him and his simple righteous teachings. They are terrified of Christianity and it must go. Now – you will NEVER hear this said (yet) until they have an unbreakable grip on the church. Then you will see this anger poured out on Christians everywhere. It’s where this is all heading. Why are Christians such a threat? Because we can see straight through their ‘complex’ plans and ideas simply by reading a few verses of a dusty old book. It’s why the bible is the best selling book and the most banned book in existence.
- So who’s behind it all? I’ll leave you with one saying from The Bible. There are many names for ‘the enemy’. One – which I didn’t understood for 10 years after becoming Christian (my conversion was in 1990) is; He who weakens the nations. Now I would explain this but I feel if you have got this far you already know what it means. The fact is; YOU CANNOT HAVE A NEW UTOPIAN SINGLE GLOBAL ORDER with powerful, free, sovereign people or nations whose inhabitants are at least largely ruled by God and not men. These old ‘superstitions’ and old orders of rule MUST be brought down. In any case – these wealthy free nations stole all their wealth in the first place and built in on slavery didn’t they? (China popped in my head) – the perfect pretext to do so. I suggest you study that statement that the USA is built on slavery very carefully before you take this as 100% fact. Corrupt in many ways these few free countries may be – slavery playing a part in their history (as in every country on earth since the world began) may be – thieves they may be – but so are we ALL as individuals. Imagine that God establishes any perfect nation or people and undermine what God establishes at your peril.
The above was taking a macro view of what’s happening in the world and the forces at play – but below looks at a lower level what’s happing on the ground. To be finished – sorry rattled of in 10 mins and the grammar. In the meantime you might take a look at this and make of it what you will…

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)