I use a small ‘a’ because I don’t believe any real ‘Atheists’ exist – in other words – people that really believe in what they are saying about themselves about not believing God exists, and here’s why. We all know the saying; “there are no atheists in foxholes” which is likely true – but I have always felt that every time I hear someone boldly try to proclaim; “I am an atheist” – it has an awful hollow ring of insincerity and non-conviction about it – no matter how hard people that say this try to convince themselves and others, basically because it’s impossible to prove from a finite side of reality that we live in, that an infinite God does not and cannot exist.
The question we need to ask is: do atheists exist?
In fact – if God did exist, he would have to by definition exist in a realm or ‘dimension’ that we cannot touch or see. Otherwise we would be Gods too, which is impossible as by definition alone there can only be one God – simply because there can only be one omnipotent being – more than one omnipotent being renders the other beings non-omipotent. A power-sharing ‘god’ is no God at all. God cannot by definition have ‘come from’ anywhere or been created. If He was – he was not God, he was created by whatever or whoever God is. He either always existed – outside the time/space constraints that are placed on us – or He does not exist at all. There is no possibility at all to have a halfway house, or multiple coexistent Gods.
So then when I later read in the Bible that God said; “the fool says in his heart there is no God” it all fits together. Not only that, scientists have discovered that we are all hard-wired to believe in God as soon as we are created in the womb and pop out and see all the glorious creations in the world and that what actually happens, is that as we get older, our consciences becomes more seared, tainted, hardened, more sinful as we desire the things of the world over the things of God (why is the biggest mystery in the universe to me and The Bible calls this odd human trait – probably caused by having our souls trapped in fallen fleshly bodies that were never meant for us to live in ; the mystery of iniquity) we push the idea of a judgmental God away and try to pretend He and our instincts that he exists (since we popped out of nowhere be it from a rock or by the hand of God – either way – no one – not mother nature or God asked our permission to create our conscious minds but simply went ahead).
And we can clearly see this enmity towards this ‘kill-joy’ God in the hate spitting rants from people like Dawkins, Hitchens and others. However some atheists (little ‘a’ as real ones don’t exist) are honest enough to admit the real reasons for suppressing the truth. They want to continue in their sin without someone looking over their shoulder. They want to be done with accountability once and for all.
We must not lose the wonder
I remember as a child being in awe of creation, looking at the stars and instinctively knowing that God – or at least someone – had given me life. How did i know this? Simple; I didn’t ask for it yet here I was. It was so simple to grasp even a six year old could see there was something other worldly about a universe that had no end – and yet we know all things must have an end. Something that was paradoxical we cannot understand actually existed before my eyes – the cosmos – and so then why can the paradoxical God that is also outside time not exist also?
Thank God for Jesus
It was only later in life that I began to lose this wonder. As the world’s problems began to eat away at the soul, mind and body. The jealously of the playground bullies, the people that were happy to empty my pockets for nothing in return, the slanderers, and my own sins against others began to harden my heart. Thank God for Jesus and that later I would meet him so he could begin to reverse the heart of stone hardening process that had begun and that if left unchecked, would make my heart mind and body useful for nothing.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)