Alright I’ll admit it – I rarely use click-bait headlines but I wanted to get the reader’s attention with this one. I never fell for the identity nonsense that manipulative politicians and celebrities actively stir up and use for their own ends (and 1000 other purposely divisive names).
Either way – if you are so-called ‘white’ or ‘black’ or have a skin-tone somewhere in the middle – yes I said that – think back with me if you will, to the first time you heard the term ‘black and white‘ being used a child to describe yourself or others. Was it just me – or did you think like I did (I must have been between 6 and 8) that ‘white’ (or perhaps in your case ‘black) was a strange and weird thing to call me – as I was clearly not white – but light tan – and in summer quite a dark tan – perhaps pink in winter – but if you’ve ever used white paint, I’m definitely NOT that.
As a child – in my stupidity (I hadn’t yet become a wise politician) I simply didn’t see colour – I saw people – and guessed they probably came from warmer or cooler places judging by the way my own skin changed over the course of every year – that was it.
Bear with me for a minute before you have a fit as I’m sure I’m not the only person who thought this. In fact – I remember feeling distinctly I was being called something I wasn’t – and resented it slightly in a childish way even at such a young age. But then promptly forgot about it – but always felt it wasn’t quite right every time I had to tick the [] White box.
Our caring (like hell) politicians are the biggest pushers and users of this form of division
OK – so maybe it was our (the white man’s ) invention – perhaps! But forget this for a moment – either way I am sorry (and for my part in slavery and colonization also) and have decided as of a couple of years ago to come out and say; I no longer identify as white – and I suggest if you are labelled ‘black’ – you consider dropping this same labelling system. Why? Because apart from the fact I am not factually white – we are all shades of light tan – to dark tan – the minute the word ‘white’ or ‘black’ is used – you have created the greatest possible contrast between people that can ever be created. Think of it – there is nothing further from white than black – and nothing further from black than white. This ignores the obvious relation of white to ‘purity’ and black to ‘darkness’ – another thing I don’t like for the sake of all those called ‘black’. Gosh – it’s almost as if someone was trying to invent a way to create the greatest possible division between people and nations! Wait a minute?.. no person or politician would ever do that? And what was that old name of the Devil?.. He who weakens the nations.
“Oh it’s just a means to identify people.” Rubbish! There are a 1000 other ways to do this – in this day one use – division!
If it was just my preference I would say no – why add to the confusion – this is daft – but its a physical fact that I am nothing like ‘white’ – and most ‘black’ people are nothing like black – I never liked being called white and I never will so don’t call me white – caucasian perhaps – naa.. I don’t much like that either.
Diverse skin tones, features, cultures and differences are wonderful things!
One more thing – more important to the actual tone of my or anyone’s skin which is totally unimportant – is that fact that we are NOT of different races in the first place – another myth almost designed to create as much mischief and human suffering as humanly possible – we are all of ONE blood Jesus said – and HE WAS RIGHT! Even the scientists acknowledge we probably came from single set of parents somewhere near or in Africa – news – this is true – the Bible was right!
There is but ONE race – the human race – cliche or not this is the truth! So put that in your political pipe anyone who wishes to leverage ‘race’ issues for personal gain or create division between us.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: