
Why Heir-achy (the way God designed it) is Good

A heir-achy has a bad rap these days – and it associated with greed and all things bad. That’s because the proper reason and function of a ‘heir-achy’ is rarely understood or adhered to. We are just told they’re bad – and that’s all there is to it. Animals have hierarchies – but they rare primitive and only really exist to because each member wished to save their own bacon – and most human hierarchies are no different, because they evolve with no fear or understanding of God and His design and purposes for heir-achy. That purpose in a nutshell – is to make the lot of all men – better.

A Heir-achy can be ugly or beautiful – depending on how it’s implemented

But the bible promotes heir-achies for sure – but it promotes one very different from the type it is often accused of. When you really read it you realise that carried out in a biblical way it’s a beautiful thing. carried out in a worldy way it’s avery ugly thing. But they will and exist and The Bible says even exist in heaven.

Now humans are animals – we share the same DNA there is no question as animals.  But – God asks us – in fact the whole purpose of the BIble and Jesus is to teach mere animla s(us) to rise above the animal kingdome spiritually – in order for us to re-recieve our etherial bodies. Can you imagine a dictator or monster that lived forever? God cannot and will not allow this not least because man will never improve himself and. And so Geneisi tells us HElimted our lifestapn for a very good reason – PRESERVATION of the earth – yes – men are that bad that God reasoned that 70 years is about anough a man can live and not destroy himeself an others and twoetd in the process.

People should rise not because they just should – but because they merit it spiritually – they are real givers and work for the Kingdom – not themselves. They are hard working, industrious, servant heart.

Any human Heir-achy without checks and balances will fail

A hierarchy allows people to develop into better and more useful people. A heir-achy allows all to move from bottom to top. A heir-achy should not be fugal and those at the top should always give a hand up to those below – and if those below become better more useful and more responsible beings than those that drew them up then so be it – those people should be allowed to rise above those who

But then we must use religion – not some man-made sky fairy – the real God and His ‘pure’ religion the Bible mentions – to cause people to self improve and self monitor and server their fellow men even when they sit at the top of the heir-achy – not to save their behind – but for the sake of being good.

This allows the entire group to rise – all ships rise on a rising tide.

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