The day we heard the word ‘Lockdown’ – we at 101 knew what was coming. Why – because we’ve known for 30 years what’s been coming. So what is that? I have told people from at least 2006, if you want a look at the world in 20 years – take a look at China. Of course most people used to Western civilisation would find this impossible to believe and a nonsense – the stuff of tin-foil-hat folks.
But we knew years and years and years – that what was being done in China would come The West. So what does this look like exactly? We just have to look to see that it is total control and marginalisation of anyone that attempts to question the system and eventual removal of those people (I won’t say what that means but you only need to read scripture to know). So now we know. One only needs to look at China – and more recently Australia and Canada – only FAR worse is to come than what we’ve seen in Au and Ca and even China).
Why has Western Civilisation fallen & freedom been lost?
The question is – why have we lost all of our freedoms seemingly overnight? (it’s actually been in the works for many many decades – one could argue very easily going right back to Biblical times – so I hope there isn’t anyone out there who thinks we haven’t). To start – have you seen the weapons the New Global Government have in their hangers to control crowds? (yes, we already have global government and it’s not our friendly politicians – it’s a called W.E.F. working with the great merchants of the earth – read your Bible) No you haven’t seen them – and that’s because they haven’t brought them out to use yet, because they are playing a very long game of chess – but not 4D chess, because globalists are very very bright but not wise – “professing themselves to be wise they became fools” the Bible would say (otherwise they wouldn’t be doing this right?) and what more recently folks would call intelligent fools.
Measured and proportional force leading up to total control
So the powers that be (and again this is not our national governments any more except in small trifling matters) dare not push the masses too far as their plans for total control will be scuppered. The force they use is directly proportional and measured to the people’s push-back, but NO MORE. However this force will eventually become total.
This is why the public are goaded on a daily basis, insulted, and pushed to anger with ridiculous statements and protocols and intentionally confusing flip-flops and directives that a child would know make no sense and are disingenuous. One day it’s do this – the next do the opposite – and then back to the first. All designed to manoeuvre us – the sheep, into the waiting holding pen – the digital prison they have ready prepared. This goading is to cause the people to push harder and harder in order to give them the ‘legal’ excuse they need to bring out the big guns for the ‘safety’ of the people and use force. The message here? DO NOT EVER get violent as you fall right into their trap.
But surely there will be pockets of people who can go against the system?
100% NO! NO! NO! Why? Because next – after global digital ID and social credit is rolled out globally – this ID will be REQUIRED to log into The Internet at large – so for instance I would not be able to write this article telling you what’s next. Everything that is still ‘in the wild’ so to speak – ie not controlled – will be sent back to a CENTRAL COMPUTER SYSTEM and analysed by AI (as is happening now actually – it has just not been fully deployed) and anything that does not comply will be blocked and shut down – be it websites, information or people or parties and any group that does not comply. Yes it is that bleak.
So yes there will be no more fraud or corruption amongst the little people and middle classes – because to commit it will mean you cannot eat. I’m talking speeding in your car, parking in places where it’s not permitted, writing dissenting parties or content, voting for the wrong people, saying the wrong thing about globalism or the next illness to be foisted on us.
Why the lockdown of everything and everyone?
Very simple. Because the game of Monopoly (taking over of all business and resources by a few companies) has been won, and there is nowhere else to go other than reap the wrath of the masses when they find out what’s really been done to them on a massive scale. That cannot be allowed to happen and locking EVERYTHING down is the only answer.
The Prognosis is very bad
We need to completely forget pre-tribulation rapture nonsense (that I never swallowed when I head it 30 years ago) – the tribulation is HERE and growing fast. The method is to terrify everyone into complianace with endless global ’emergencies’ – national ones will not work as they need the people to police eaach other for this to work.
There is no escape from this except a miracle of God – because the reason this has happened and we are all being put in a digital prison (I have spoken of since 2005) is the same reason people were put in gulags – “because men (NOT POLITICIANS) forgot God). The Bible is clear: if we the people do that – we WILL be handed over to our enemies and in this case, those that seek to enslave all mankind. This is why politicians are scared of the masses – because they know the power lies in the people’s hands and can turn on a dime as soon as they realise what’s been happening and repent of their sin of forgetting God for their blessings. What to do with this information? There is only ONE (and NO other) way out and even now it would be possible if only the nations would do it: repent and turn back to God.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: