Some might ask the opposite; why anyone would like this man as we all know The Donald can be an arrogant guy who wears his heart on his sleeve and is prone to putting more than just his foot in his mouth. But my question is; why is there such a disproportionate and so much vitriolic hate for this man, and a call by some to even kill him, that goes far far beyond just a conservative or liberal bent or viewpoint, a hatred the likes of which has never been seen before in the history of western politics? This goes way beyond misogynistic comments, locker-room talk, or his arrogant tone. It’s all out and total war on this one man who has by all genuine accounts, started to revive the economy, bring people work and reverse many other liberal and regressive things.
Does the fact that a person has many opponents mean their detractors are likely to be right?
Forget Trump, his bad habits and silly tweets for minute, but there seems to be something that lies behind this man and what he may represent that his opponents – that’s almost all of the media, almost all politicians, all the new liberals, all of Hollywood, all the celebrities, most of the young but by no means all the general public – are absolutely terrified of. The obvious answer is to say; well that’s because all the people must be right – he is a bad man.
But wait, is it always true that the number of people that adhere to a view make it more likely to be right? History, common sense and Jesus told us – whilst is can be true, it most definitely is not always true. In fact, an example would be the gate that leads to life – the truth – is very narrow indeed and few will either desire or find the gate that leads to it. The other gate, the one that most people will believe to be the ‘good’ gate, is extremely wide and most will desire to find and go through it, and will consciously desire to adhere to it’s tenants.
Is there something other than Trump himself that is really scaring the liberal voters and globalist politicians?
Just a question; could it be that there is something else – ie not Donald Trump, but something he alludes to perhaps indirectly, that might explain why there is such a feverish desperation to tarnish him, smear conservatives – the so-called ‘right’ (left and right politics is a nonsense and designed confusion to begin with – one of the Devil’s greatest tools – it’s about right and wrong not right and left) and remove this man, that I genuinely believe despite all his bravado and faults and bad traits (that we all have incidentally) – really does desire to strengthen the nations – not weaken them – as we are told in the Bible that Lucifer loves nothing better than to do? Well apart from undoing decades and even hundreds of years of the elitist’s work I think there is.
No I don’t believe like Alex Jones, the guy who makes a killing by artfully mixes a good dose of truth with unhealthy dose of lies – and makes the large following of Christians that follow him look like fools in the process much to the delight of the left, and who just disgraced himself yet again in recent events by swearing and cursing a snowflake in public, that everything is a conspiracy.
But make no mistake – there are and have been since the beginning of time, wealthy groups of men in all four corners of the world that do sit around all day and conspire to make things happen in their favour, that if things were left to run naturally, would not.
How do we know this?.. apart from having witnessed the manipulation man by his fellow man from he day I entered the school playground, to virtually every workplace I have ever worked, we know this happens because the Bible tells us so. We know this because the Bible tells us there is a problem with the heart of man who conspires against God and His followers and specifically in Revelations; “those that kept the commandments of God.”
The Story of The Tower of Babel shows us that God is NOT a globalist. Why?.. does God not like unity? On the contrary. But it’s to limit the damage that one dictator or group’s sin can afflict on the world
Man, Genesis tells us, wants to become a god in his own lunch break, and lord over those that he considers are not worthy (enlightened enough bless them) in their view to have this so-called ‘deeper’ knowledge and power bestowed upon them. Seeing themselves as being the more ‘enlightened’ ones chosen to dispense the truth to the rest of us and utter nonsense if ever I heard it.
But this is no conspiracy – this really is how learned folk think. Believing themselves to be wise they became foolish says the Bible. There is ONLY one way to become really wise and really use knowledge properly (knowledge on it’s own – without wisdom always leads to destruction) and that’s to humble yourself before God – and offer your services to him – to be willing to become smaller. Not seek deeper knowledge in order to get ahead of the pack and enlarge oneself like Oprah and the rest keep of the new agers (actually they are just rehashing what the serpent told Adam and Eve) telling us, all under the guise of ‘helping your fellow man’ of course.
So when Newt Gingrich tells us – perhaps without really thinking about what he was revealing since it’s such common knowledge that doesn’t even need to be mentioned in the higher echelons of government, that “Trump is not a member of the secret societies”, are we to take that at face value or was that some kind of joke or allusion to something not really that serious? Is he really saying that people in high places frequent and belong to secret societies that do not have Christ as their mentor? I think he is, because we know from Genesis in the Bible that from the beginning, ungodly men have had a beef with the God of the Bible – and that the true ‘god’ was the one that was kicked out, or the ‘gods’ the gnostics tells us we were supposedly to become.
Their belief is that God kicked them out of the garden because he did not want them to have access to knowledge – in other words He was withholding what they really needed to become gods and therefore He was the bad guy. Not only that, God cursed them in the process and carried out a kind of damage-limitation exercise by reducing their lifespan to stop them trashing the planet, telling them that now they had violated His laws, they would die.
Are they really afraid of judgement by God?
So it’s no surprise that we see rebellious men in a myriad of societies that from that day sprang up with the single goal of regaining what was lost (actually withheld for good reason) and reversing the curse that God placed on men, and rebuilding Babylon and the Tower of Babel.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: