We may be useful eaters that need doing away with to them, but they are intelligent fools to us, but whom we will tolerate for their idiocy while they devise evermore ways to control and subdue and if possible remove us from their priestly inheritance and playground that is the earth – I’m talking about the scientists (not all of course) – the ones spoken of in C.S. Lewis’ novel That Hideous Strength way back in in 1943.
The self appointed ruminators of reason want us to sit back and let them make all the decisions for us. History and common sense tell us that’s BAD idea! But wait – didn’t they tell us there’s no such thing as making a choice?
Ahh I see – we are not able to make choices – but they – the mini-gods can; makes perfect sense. Seriously – they tell us there are no decisions that can, or will ever be made – so we can forget common sense too. I don’t like calling people names – but why do modern scientists, the new ‘priests’ of our world (the geniuses of old were way less arrogant and less boastful and displayed the largely lost virtue of Wisdom – yes it’s not the same as intelligence) really go round telling everyone – especially the impressionable and unthinking folks – you know those ones in most universities today that we really have no free will or free choice? It’s because they have proved this is the case – or they they have proved there is no God (like that could EVER be done if God did exist – since He would be immaterial and therefore His existence or non-existence ‘un-proveable’).
Ruminators of reason – or connoisseurs of contradiction?
Bill Schmokes, Mark Zuckerblerb and even Barook Obaminator big-up this guy Noah Hirarri or whatever his name is, for saying this because he might be onto something? Course not. The reason any kid can figure out; when a person can make no free-will choices (the notion in a court of a person who would otherwise be deemed a criminal as being deemed as only having diminished responsibility should give you a clue what these people are really up to) and has no choices that he or anyone else can personally make, then he – and they, or any other self-appointed global rulers get issued instant get out of jail free cards – and can NEVER be held responsible, or liable for any of their actions – because they didn’t make any.
Great! Once this nonsense of 2+2-5 is established and accepted by the masses, then anything goes – and yes, I mean ANYTHING. Forget any moral implications for doing things that any sane person would once have deemed heinous on a personal level, now that morals no longer exist (having been abolish by a few men’s statements) now not only can morals no longer apply to them as individuals (and only the pretence thereof) – but should they having already abolished God and free will at the stroke of a thought – no pun intended – decide (even though they can’t according to them) now they as collectives can abolish anything they dislike, or anyone who disagrees with them – or for any reason they feel does not benefit their goals and aspirations in this world – they can do it and not a single one be held accountable. A single word comes to mind: lawlessness.
Almost everything we see today is related to global government
Let’s face it – a great majority of these globalists in top positions (I’m not talking about their young and easily manipulated minions they have installed in 400 cities) are ego driven men and women – you know, the thing the people who don’t believe in such a thing as spirit clearly display in their body language when you watch them confidently spout their BS about brain chips and owning nothing and being happy that any fool knows they don’t really believe themselves (these may not be wise people- but they are ‘smart’ in terms of IQ alone).
Stupidity, wilful ignorance, or arrogance – or all five (that’s a joke Winston)
But just imagine the stupidity – or is it it just sheer wilful ignorance – or are they shock horror – breaking their own rules of science and making an assumptions – you know the thing they are always accusing everyone else as doing when they believe in the sky-fairy God (a thing which is openly and unashamedly faith actually) that these folks that are held up and geniuses and ‘seers’ (usually about 50 years after we Christians have been discussing them – read the 1969 book The Late Great Planet Earth and most of what they talk about as is in there)
But here’s why “no free will” really is ALL doublespeak
Saying there is no such thing as free will IS nonsense and here’s why; with one hand the geniuses tell us; “no one actually makes any decisions” – and with the left hand and they busy cramming us all into their carefully thought out and crafted (requiring clearly often wrong decisions to be made at every stage) a “global social credit ‘behavioural’ points system for ‘good behaviour’ to help us make good and socially acceptable decisions” (whatever that happens to be this week).
Well your honour.. according to the geniuses – there is no free will so no social credit scoring system required for me as they already told us – we’re innocent of all charges. Oh, and judges everywhere – you are all out of a job because no criminal ever actually decided to do anything they did. In any case – the quantum super-computer will soon make all the global social and resource distribution decisions for us thank you.
C.S.Lewis’ foretelling of the future was written before Orwell’s 1984 and probably more accurate
The future is “a boot stamping on man’s face forever” – said Orwell. He was half right (his book was brilliant and I’m pretty sure he did not mean us to read it literally – as it does indeed reflect PERFECTLY, metaphorically speaking our fate – so his description was ‘wrong’ (as we have said it was metaphorical) that the great drab Orwellian nightmare he described would be man’s fate in a literal sense – that will only be a fraction of the human race – those that will not go along with the great fraud – the great delusion and corruption carried out by the great men and merchants of the earth “by their pharamkia” as described in The Bible.
Huxley Brave New World was more accurate in terms of the ‘Utopia’ (false of course, and he was very open about that if you listen to his interviews) that the technocrats have built for us.
So – if you want to read about the technocracy we now see almost fully formed before our eyes written of before Orwell’s 1984 (he wrote that he read it) – have a listen to C.S.Lewis’s rarely discussed and largely unread (by non-Lewis fans) book – That Hideous Strength…

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)