No I don’t mean the world’s largest tech giant that uses the number 666 as their PO box on a small island. Wait a minute – you’re kidding right?.. globalists and tech companies don’t actually do this – it’s another tin-foil hat moment! Nope. Not so fast. First off – the Bible tells us explicitly this number will be used ultimately in connection with some system WITHOUT WHICH we cannot buy and sell – shoe-horning all the citizens on the planet was always going to come down to money and putting food on the table right? Even St. John realised the entire world could only be coerced to conform to this in one way, and wrote it down ahead of time for us – so that anyone who studied his foretelling would not be in any doubt when the time came.
We are for the most part when it comes to technology (but by no means entirely) dealing are atheists and humanists – and ‘restoring’ the Tower of Babel
Second – remember that virtually all tech companies and globalists are atheists – humanists and believe the Bible and it’s ‘predictions’ as they are often mocked as nonsense and superstition – when in fact they are actually plain and simple accurate fore-tellings of the future events so we know God is God – and not some Nostradamus-type charlatan – “test me that I am God in that I tell you the future in advance,” God lays down the gauntlet in the Bible.
So who’s drawing out who?
Now Christians upon seeing this number 6-6-6 – or – 06 06 06 as it is often seen buried in barcodes (yes it is there – three sixes between the other numbers) and used all over the tech industry and will be especially popular in the new blockchain money systems as the Devil is ‘cool’ right? So then naturally seeing this Christians start running to and for declaring the “the prophecy has been fulfilled – the NWO have trapped us and the end is nigh!” but hold up – hold up! Is this the globalists unwitting fulfilment of prophecy – or could it be that God – knowing their arrogance and distain for Him chose the number He wanted them to use ahead of time – knowing they would mock Him and it – and use it as a simple and beautiful way to draw out the lunatics – woah.. I don’t want to give them ideas! (ie God chose the imperfect trinity of the number 6 as opposed to his number of perfect trinity of 7 or some other ‘good’ number) and in doing so set a trap for them?! I say – far more likely the latter than the former – and if so genius – God played 6D chess!
So come on you conspiracy nut – what about examples of these tech companies and globalists using this number then I hear you say! Sure. But before – remember whilst these people are arrogant and bold – they are NOT stupid. To label ANY of their tech or government projects simply 666 will NEVER be done (at least not until the actual time comes to implement the system) – that would be stupid and cause uproar amongst Christians AND non-believers alike – since almost everyone on the planet nowadays has heard of this prophecy.
The atheists are playing and having fun doing it
No – the globalists must be as always subtle and not alarm the sleeping masses but at the same time draw out the lunatic Christians and ‘fanatics’ – ideally so they ‘out’ themselves by calling out this preposterous idea that to chip and track person (and animal it appears) on the planet under the guise of making a better – fair – equitable – more open and connected world is in fact a farce, since it involves removing everyone on the entire planet’s freedom. And of course – anyone that opposes the planet’s population having their freedom irrevocably removed by the kings of Silicon Valley (or ’caused’ as the bible says it will actually happen in Revelations – ie not by force and will be loved by most) is by their protest – evil since they are a stumbling block to a fair world.
Person against person, nation against nation
So the Globalists start – in true red style by disconnecting children from their parents and protectors all over the planet with Facebook and other sites that actually isolate children from our neighbours and families. Then they pit son against father – neighbour against neighbour – man against woman – black against white – while behind the scenes they are busy implementing their fairer – new socialist world.
Tin-foil lunacy? Not according to the globalists
Now lest anyone think the Utopians are not using these numbers to play with us (it’s sport for them) – take a look at the sort code on your Santander Bank for a bit of fun to start. Here’s a couple more (and I’ll add more in time)…
Oh never let a crisis go to waste the globalists always say…
This ones a beauty..
A system patented by Microsoft (look this up yourself) that can grant you access to cash (to eat or not to eat) depending on whether your body meets a criteria specified by some clever globalist. Now where have I heard that before? 🙂 Note: the other (1000’s) patents you can look up on this independent patent listing site seem chronologically ordered by number – but not this beauty – someone specifically allocated the number for this system; 060606 – nice! As always I stand to be corrected but either way someone is having fun 🙂

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: