“Beware, many wolves will come in among you.”
He may come to your town, your local theatre, football stadium, and his ilk may charge a lot of wonga to get in to see him do his thing, but I guarantee that Benny will never show up at your local hospital. And if that haircut isn’t enough to give away his penchant for all things fake I don’t know what is.
Who will stand up and call a spade a spade?
We do not want to sow discord among the brethren neither put a stumbling block in our christian brothers and sisters way, and rarely write in such uncompromising terms about our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ but there comes a point when one has to stand up for what one thinks is right.
So it is is in this light that we regret to tell you that Benny Hinn is probably the slimiest and sickening snake-oil ‘pastors’ that w’ve ever had the displeasure of watching and listening to. We have come to the conclusion that he and people like him really don’t believe in God, either that, or he is so deceived it is almost beyond comprehension that he can hold the Bible in one hand and do the things he does to good, meek, naive and unsuspecting Christians.
Do People Like Benny Hinn Really Believe in God?
I fear that because this man is obviously highly intelligent (but clearly lacks wisdom) and knows his Bible inside and out – and therefore how God deals with those that lead His people – especially little children – astray, that it’s the former. It certainly seems this man does not fear God or take the Bible seriously other than a means to line his pockets. Take a look at some of his sickening interviews and alleged ‘healing’ crusades with poor vulnerable people. Don’t take our word for it… what do you think?
The reality is, that I can’t and shouldn’t answer this question for Benny since only God really knows this man’s heart. But if you go by the fruit – by which the Bible says we may judge what kind of a tree we are dealing with? If Benny Hinn and confidence tricksters like him were really interested in healing people, why doesn’t he show up at hospitals to heal and save poor and old people from their sicknesses and save them a fortune in hospital fees? I think we know the answer!
Another question one might consider is why doesn’t Benny Hinn ask for some new hair since his scalp is clearly not as populated as his pews.
Wolf or Sheep?.. You decide
Well he certainly knows his Bible so that surely must earn him some browny points? But one can’t help thinking that despite an appearance that suggests otherwise, Benny Hinn certainly appears, when held up to the light of the Bible, not to be metaphorically speaking, clothed in white wool that his expensive white suit would suggest.
Come on people – let’s get real – these people are the wolves Jesus talked about – those that would make merchandise of the gospel and of men. It’s the same old story that’s been going on for centuries.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)