Duh… is this the stupidest tax ever invented? Nope – it’s obvious no kid or parent will not buy a fizzy drink for a measly 8 extra pence (I imagine the manufacturers will pass on the tax to the consumer) – who cares about that – give me 10 extra cans please! No this is just a sad ploy to exploit the good wishes of well-meaning, nice but seriously misguided people like Jamie Oliver if they think this will deter anyone from buying the stuff. Does George Osborn think this will have any effect except make his coffers start fizzing? Of course not – the man’s got a brain I am told. I’m sorry but I feel like a rant.
To discourage anyone lets alone kids from buying a soda you would need to double the price to even get started!
Think about it. I wonder what could really be the problem here? I’ll tell you. The problem is this. When we go to the supermarket we see crisp packets so huge – some with 20 bags in a single £1 bin-liner sized bag that would make your grand parents wince – or at least wonder when the giants were landing. In fact I thought these things were sleeping bags that just happened to have crisp logos on when I first saw them. I mean have you looked at the size of gum packets these days??!! I thought a whole Isle devoted to different flavours of cat food was nuts but gum?
Too much wealth (or not enough respect for where wealth comes from at least), too much over-eating and too much laziness is the real problem – sugar is just part of it
And now we have Tick-Tac packs with 10,000 in each pack. Jars of coffee so large they last for a decade. Milk bottles so large they look more like Zeplins on their end. Butter tubs big you can grow potatoes in them. Baked beans shrink-wrapped in lots of 50. Pizzas the size of small planets. Egg boxes the size of spring mattresses. Bread loaves the size of a small bus. Chewing gum pots so huge you can use them as water butts when you’re finished with them. Coke bottles – yes coke bottles instead of being human size, are elephant size – bottles are so large Richard Branson could use them to get to the moon – and not only that – you get six of them for a pound. Do you remember after the war one egg or ration of bacon had to last a month? Now we buy 20 apples and throw half away.
Stop supermarkets selling 50 items for a £1 and we might get somewhere
And there’s more. We now have double-size plates, double-size cutlery, double-size mugs, double-sized everything including trousers so we can get into them after we’ve eaten our double-sized burgers and swallowed our quadrupled-sized coke. Young people will probably not believe this – but originally Coca-Cola had a job trying to launch their ‘large’ coke bottle in the 60’s that make our current bottles look like perfume testers. Do you know The Bible actually mentions this disease of gluttony we are now suffering from (I count myself in here – I am guilty too). I forget where is is but it’s there – I read it just the other day possibly Revelation – end-times stuff would make sense.
8 pence sugar tax is a sticking plaster over the problem
Look – the ONLY way to combat this is to make eating sugar unfashionable – just like they did with smoking in the 80’s. Tell people the truth – sugar is a natural substance so it’s not evil in itself, but removed from the cane is quite addictive at least to the pleasure sensory parts of the brain, and if purified and eaten in large quantities in purified form – even moderate quantities over a long period will not only rot your teeth – it will kill you – period. It will give you diabetes – and now they tell us it feeds cancer cells like plant feed feeds plants.
Young Osborne may have been born yesterday but we weren’t!
Uh-oh… there is a problem $$$$$. This means upsetting the big sugar companies and worse – the big fizzy drink companies and we can’t do that can we. Stocks would tumble and an awful lot of money would be lost by an awful lot of awful people and awful companies and that wouldn’t do. No – lets pay lip service instead to this hair-brained sugar-tax idea and while we’re at it make a whole stack of cash we can pour back into the medical system to help all the poor souls we haven’t helped with their over-eating problems. I know because I’ve done it. Over-eating is the problem – not sugar!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)