There are two main sources that are used for translating the BIble; the one used for the King James – Textus Receptus, and then the source used for all the others – yes ALL the others Codex Sinaiticus. Right off the bat it’s interesting to note that the Codex Sinaiticus was discovered discarded and in amazingly good condition (by some accounts, in a bin of all places. Read more about this below).
One article on this subject notes;
“So, it certainly appears to me that the Orthodox monks evidently had long since decided that the numerous omissions and alterations in the manuscript had rendered it useless and had stored it away in some closet where it had remained unused for centuries. Yet Tischendorf promoted it widely and vigorously as representing a more accurate text than the thousands of manuscripts supporting the Textus Receptus. Furthermore, he assumed that it came from about the 4th century, but he never found any actual proof that it dated earlier than the 12th century.”
Was the Codex Sianaticus really found in the trash?
This is from Wikipedia on this matter – you will need to do your own research on this. According to the video above Tischendorf (the guy who found the Codex Sinaiticus via the monks at the monks at Saint Catherine’s who brought them to the attention of the visiting German biblical scholar, Constantine Tischendorf) may have been quite a dishonest man – but again you must research this yourself.
“In 1853, Tischendorf revisited the Saint Catherine’s Monastery to get the remaining 86 folios, but without success. Returning in 1859, this time under the patronage of Tsar Alexander II of Russia, he was shown the Codex Sinaiticus. He would later claim to have found it discarded in a rubbish bin. (This story may have been a fabrication, or the manuscripts in question may have been unrelated to Codex Sinaiticus: Rev. J. Silvester Davies in 1863 quoted “a monk of Sinai who… stated that according to the librarian of the monastery the whole of Codex Sinaiticus had been in the library for many years and was marked in the ancient catalogues… Is it likely… that a manuscript known in the library catalogue would have been jettisoned in the rubbish basket.” Indeed, it has been noted that the leaves were in “suspiciously good condition” for something found in the trash.”
Another article on this subject can be found here.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: