Why do countries, politicians, educators, business people, small business owners, charities, other sectors and individuals work so hard to make their lives and the world better – and yet they always find themselves being less successful that they should be – at best finding themselves going 2 steps forward and 1 step back – with the wrong people getting involved, security secrets leaked, technology stolen, obviously terrible discussions being made to favour unexpected people or organisations, companies going offshore and laying off staff and taking a countries wealth with it? One word: BRIBERY.
The LOVE of money the Bible says is the root of ALL evil
Think about it; arms sales to countries you should not be arming, accolades to people that don’t deserve them, positions of power and places in universities not earned and on and on it goes. Let me give you an example – right at the heart of ‘Christian’ America – the most (not for much longer) free country in the world in universities setup by Christian ministers with missions to study and serve God – we have malign influences and entities that hold philosophical views totally antithetical to Christianity and freedom right at their centre, working hard to make things work in their favour by throwing these universities (an in turn their governors) bucket-loads of cash they simply cannot refuse and any man on this earth would have a hard time giving up – but for freedom to prevail they must!
Look at this statistic below and keep in mind – even if this particular report were ‘fake news’ – we know for a fact – that if bribery happens at home, in schools and in our own little lives where small gains can be made by doing so – you gan guarantee where big – BIG money is involved and there are HUGE gains – it’s happening everywhere on a massive scale.
It’s not money or capitalism themselves that are evil – it’s the LOVE of money and BRIBERY that lead to corruption
So when you wonder why as a people, nation or business always seem to be swimming against some weird unseen tide – the cause is men and their dishonesty – and more specifically as the Bible explains perfectly accurately as always – their love of money in order to gain power and position and influence. It’s been the same since the beginning of time and it aint gonna change any time soon.
Westerners have the naive belief that leaders in foreign nations who’s leaders have an atheistic communist philosophy will behave just like them – given a good economy, wealth and prosperity prevails. The truth is – if once ‘Christian’ America and the West is having trouble with honestly, bribery and corruption in it’s halls of power and corridors of business – there’s isn’t a hope in Hades of the C.C.P. dealing fairly with anyone in China let alone the West.
No-one wants to believe this – but It’s time we woke up and smelled the coffee. Human nature tends towards corruption and there is only 1 thing that can reverse it as history has clearly shown – the cleansing and lasting effects of the Bible on any nation that leads to personal reform and people emboldened enough to hold their kings and leaders to account. Bottom-up reform works – NOT top down imposition of more and more laws that attempt and inevitably (as history repeatedly shows) fail to stamp out corruption – unless like China you want to lose freedom with it. This ‘social-scoring’ model (ie the illusion of freedom) is where America and the West is headed (the tech is all in place) and the position people in Western nations will very shortly find themselves.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)