Why should we outside the US care about what’s happening in America?
Well the reason is that despite all her faults, The United States of America, is quite literally THE last bastion of real freedom left in the world. But is America really in trouble? Watch this video and decide for yourself. Remember the US founders invented the constitution as they didn’t trust themselves or future wealthy and powerful men!
“The American constitution and its’ laws are the chains designed on purpose (by the founding fathers) to bind the mischief of corrupt governments”
Thomas Jefferson
Ted Cruz is a southern Baptist senator running for US President, but for my money he is speaking far too much about what’s really going on in Washington D.C. to be elected. But if what he says in the video below is true (and many many renowned Christians believe it is) then the world may really be in grave trouble – incidentally just as the Bible said it would be in these times.
“The reason why democracy works is because most people voluntarily choose to abide by the law, and democracy has worked to date because most Americans were church goers. But it’s quite clear, if you take away Christianity from society – the disinfecting and preserving salt of the earth – you will not be able to hire enough police to control the resulting crime, and the heavy hand of socialism under a single governmental system is the only ‘answer’. And so, as the Bible and Christianity is systematically removed from all corners of the earth and walks of life, this heavy handed socialism is what we now see materializing all across the globe.”
As Christians, we know we are are to pray for good in all situations. However, there are times, when praying for good in a particular situation may be futile, and even not required of you by God. I haven’t made this up – this is clear from reading the Bible! When reading it end to end, it is very clear there are some situations with individuals, governments, kings or people groups when God’s patience has run dry, and He had decided to bring judgement on that person, group or country because of their deliberate sidelining of Him for a protracted period of time and after many many warnings of pending judgment. Note God always gives ample time for any individual or group to repent and turn to Him for their wisdom.
One thing we are always called to pray for, is the ultimate peace of Jerusalem, the peace prophesied in The Bible has to come to pass at some point.
Anyway – back to America and why it appears that praying for it’s revival may be an example of when God’s patience runs out. I warn you – the video below is LONG – but I was astounded at its contents, though much of it I already knew – a lot I didn’t.
This man I believe on the face of it at least – is worth listening too. Weather he has been bought like many (some say most) powerful US politicians – you will have to do your own research on Ted Cruz’s fruit and make your own mind up (I believe he may have connections to setting up the North American Union which does not sound great but I could be wrong so please check yourself).
If you are interested – see Ted Cruz’s father interviewed here on the perils of socialism and how it’s incrementally bringing down America.
“Many socialists believe the problem is the ‘system’ of government, and that all we need do is bring all under one ‘fair’ system and all will be well with mankind. The Bible says the problem however is much deeper than any system – and that man himself is the problem, and that no system will solve the worlds problems long term – since the more centralized the power – the more corrupt it becomes with more and more power concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. God’s plan on the other hand (knowing the heart of men and their desire to be like Gods) in The Bible is for decentralized power and as such we see a massive move to remove and undermine the Bible by the powers that be.”

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)