At 101 we always like to predict things decades in advance – only these are not really predictions as they are generally already happening but no widely known – so we like to make them known. Actually it’s not that hard and anyone can do it; just ask yourself what you would do if honesty and truth were not your number one pursuits and at the same time you had more money than the Vatican? – the answer will soon come.
No man except Jesus ever sought to give himself less power
In fact – no company of powerful men who had the opportunity, ever sought to give themselves less wealth or success or less power – with the exception of The United States Founding Fathers – who knowing their Bibles well and their endless stories of tyrants and corruption and the story of Jesus choosing servanthood over earthly rulership – sought to do just this to guard against the rise of tyranny. This specially applies to groups of men who are practically wealthy enough to buy up the world – who virtually and now literally own it already. In other words – all we need to do to answer the question of what’s next for the big online tech companies is ask what any normal businessman would do given he really does have more money than God?
The time for small businesses and manufacturing is over
Well – with the manufacturing world in economic turmoil having been sold out over-seas, purposely shut down in the West by folks who believe the US and the West generally needs to be brought down a peg or three and having been turned upside down and hanging by threads – the time is now ripe for tech companies to not only own our personal online virtual data, but to start rolling out manufacturing plants and produce all our goods – something I’m sure is way underway for many years – hence this is not really a prediction. This will of course be done with 3D printing and things than none of us can imagine already in development. When men come together there is nothing they cannot achieve – God said to the angels.
Houston we have a problem..
But there is a small problem – one of monopoly. These companies will be broken up if they ever attempted to do everything – all under one roof. Sure they can get away with it unnoticed for a time by splitting up their companies and gobbling up all the mom and pop start-ups and their brands. Enter their best friend politician – Mr Easily Persuadable. and this small problem of monopoly will go poooooof! Mr Easily Persuadable (he works in media and all industries in fact and is a tech giants dream buddy) is why the big companies always side with the liberal and where possible dishonest politicians willing to compromise to make the world a ‘better place’. Men that can be bought or bribed (strangely these are never in short supply) and men who will give them a free pass to do what no one else would be allowed to do when the time comes.
Getting them on your team is as old as the hills..
If possible one should get Mr Easily Persuadable actually working for you and give him a nice handsome pay-check and endless promises of Christmas turkeys, social standing and other goodies – not to mention the obvious stake in their new Eutopian (pun intended) order complete with a China-style ‘free-tatorship‘, social scoring and the ever present threat of exclusion for not complying with their specified new ‘norms’. And if you really want your political flunky to jump at your every command – offer him a stint at the rudder of your new enterprise, exempt from all scrutiny or prying eyes (since you control that too) – then like a fool unaware he will be discarded faster than he signed up, he’ll do anything you tell him no matter how many freedoms of the ordinary man are taken away in the process. The love of money and a promise thereof – let’s call it bribery, the Bible warns us is what these things always come down to. So – now I’m going to sit back and watch this all happen:)

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: