I really hope my prediction in the title of this article is wrong and the stuff of tin-foil land – and to be honest, I want, like a lot of people to pretend it’s not happening and bury my head in the sand. However I can’t. The problem is – there is a lot of talk that the people will somehow rise up and thwart what we all see is happening around the globe.
Why this will happen?
Plain and simple – because those dictating the protocols to governments globally (a small group of technocrats) have now roped in so many unsuspecting people, that these people when they discover what they have been used for will realise the implications. Rather than suffer those implications they will feel they have no choice (they do have a choice but I understand how they will feel they don’t) turn on those who were brave enough to stand up and lose all for ironically *THEIR* health and wellbeing! No doubt they will be told we didn’t ask for help. Too bad – some people feel bound to follow the truth to whatever dark dungeon it leads – even if it means literally. In other words they will turn on the very people brave enough to lose everything for them – and of course those in charge knew this from the very start as I did and predicted this would happen the day I heard about that which cannot be named. And then we already know the Bible that tells us truth will divide people;
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
Nay-sayers will of course say – “you see – Jesus was not a man of peace and wishes to divide us!” But this is a plain and simple straw-man any child can see through; for it is truth that divides – it always has and always will – and Jesus is saying the truth will divide those who love truth, and those who prefer to operate in the dark, keep their head in the sand and never persue truth because it’s inconveienient, to everyone’s cost as history has shown.
Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part, and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed in his name, and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject. John Stuart Mill, 1867.
No one gains on this earth by seeking truth – Jesus promised this
No-one gains anything on ths earth by persuing truth, so let’s not have any accusations that those who want the truth from their government leaders are ‘selfish’ – another straw-man – in fact pursuing truth for the sake of othrs can get you killed, as Christ dicovered. The real epidemic the word is suffering from is lying – nowadays this is more often than not by ommission (Internet) because liars and thieves image in vain there are no consequences from any creator hereafter – we all came from a rock right? Well I hope they are right – but I belive justice from God must be served to us ALL – including me for my inumerable sins. Honestly 101; admit your sins.
I do not want to be the bringer of bad news but I must inform you what I know in my heart is true – something I saw was going to happen right at the start 18 months ago and much of it years before and have been writing about it. I suppose I (and many others who saw this coming) might be those sort of FBI or NSA types employed to ‘see’ trends and things in society that are happening – or about to – though I would never work for any such organisations if they offered me the world or to make me a prominent politician – which of course they would never do – as seems to be common these days with any willing puppet promised a seat at the table of power. But I digress as usual 🙂
Many scientists and doctors are just cottoning on to the wider agenda – yet it’s all been stated for years in plain site!
What hasbeen a bit of a surprise to me (though I don’t know if I would have had antenna to pick it up had I not been well inoculated to false people and talk by the bible) is that the scientists that are now speaking out and losing their livelihoods (very bravely) out are only justcoming to the realisation of what we knew was happing instinctively at the very start – and said so.
Call it intuition – call it understanding human nature – call it knowing history repeats – call it the ability to see trends in sparse data as one scientist has said he has the ability to do which I know I have – call it The Holy Spirit – or just call it common sense (I would say it’s a combination of the latter 3) but so far I have not been wrong. Here is what I predicted days after this thing was announced to the world;
- first off – the Brexit debate and all its consequences and all the angst surrounding it would disappear in a puff of smoke from both media and people on the ground as if it had never existed. That happening alone says a lot about fear peddled by the media and how society goes along then forgets the instant another ‘crisis’ appears.
- mention and diagnosis of flu and colds would do the same as above – disappear completely (I didn’t expect everyone to swallow this without even a question!).
- colds, flu and **** (because of the above) would be massively confused and indistinguishable (though the brazen rollout of the ambiguous PCR ‘test’ was not expected).
- sales of test kits and false data would push both sales of the tests and hype surrounding the **** in a cyclical fashion spiralling out of control benefitting many parties involved. Perhaps I’m cynical, but I know the loveof money is the root of many (if not all) evils on this earth.
- the entire crisis created would be used to bash Trump – damned if he does damned if he doesn’t (we are not Trump fans but this was obviously the case).
- numbers of cases would be vastly exaggerated due to it being in the several different parties involved working in partnership for financial and political gain.
- as many people as possible would be drawn into the whole **** crisis in terms of politics – being ****** – administration of the ****** and industries and work relating to the **** so as to create a virtual army that when required would do the bidding of the pharma companies and globalists against those that sensed something was not right.
- just about everyone would go along with it in an emperors new clotheskind of way fearful of losing their livelihood, reputation smeared and future status – effectively burying their heads in the sand preferring to hear convenient untruths rather than inconvenient truths.
- as desired outcome of the parties involved to push their agenda – those who refuse to go along with the above would be turned upon by family, friends and workplace by those who have unwittingly be roped into it rather than lose their lifestyles and status unable to face what they have gone along with.
- all of the above would be used to do what under anything other than some kind of ’emergency’ would be otherwise impossible; to issue all humans on earth digital biometric ID. Yes we knew this was coming years ago and it was confirmed as soon as Gove said; “we have no plans to bring in a digital passport.”
- as soon as lockdowns were announced it was clear it was for 2 reasons 1) to thwart protests 2) to thwart religious gatherings 3) to demoralise 4) to condition.
- A prediction still to see fulfilled we hope is wrong; the entire lockdowns will not let up until every man woman and child has been ******** and received digital biometric ID.
What does this mean for Christians?
It means Christians (and others) who know what’s actually going and who and what is behind what is going on must prepare their hearts and minds. The word persecution is on my heart and has been for along long time. Christians and other around the world have been suffering this for many years in China and elsewhere – and now it is our turn in the West. I’m very sorry to bring this to you but what does one do – stand silent? I can’t. Bless all those that are being brave to stand up – many of whom are not at all religious and have not quite grasped what this is all about. The penny is dropping though.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)