It does seem that there is a concerted effort around the world in multiple areas of society – politics, business, the arts, education and medicine – to use the current crisis’ – which seem to be multiplying by the day – to finally shoe-horn the world into the long awaited and carefully managed and prepared for new single world order.
It’s as if all the parts that give excuse for this are in place but they are not quite powerful enough in themselves to create the necessary fear and anxiety required for this to be a smooth operation – and so are being greatly amplified by the collective powers that be, to cause people around the globe to roll on their backs and hand over their sovereignty – hoping they are doing the right thing – lest we are all swallowed by climate change, carnivorous, war or a hundred other calamities.
This happening is not in darkened rooms – but all out in the open and all by consent of all involved – because the tech companies and their magic have it all covered and have our best interests at heart. I see very intelligent people all going along with the story – a sort of blind assumption that powerful people would never think of using bad situations for technology or their own ends – even though this has been the pattern of man since the beginning of time.
The mad dash to rebuild Babylon now God has been killed
It’s very strange to watch super-intelligent people – I’m talking graduates in the media and in commerce follow the Pide-Piper – and it doesn’t matter what tune he plays is – he’s always being honest – and he’s always good – no questions. There seem to be two types of people on earth; those that believe men are getting better and better morally – or those that know man is getting worse and worse morally – but finding more and better ways of laying a thicker and more believable veneer over his problem – that starts with pride and rebellion towards God and His authority.
Perhaps there’s a third; I have a feeling the globalists do know man has this problem of sin (thoughto call it that would blow their scheme) – and figured out many years ago in true Marxist style that the only way to fix man is to impose order from above. In fact I think we can now all see this happening in real-time with the neavo-marxism that has strangely emerged in the West and being advocated by people that only fifty years would never ave done so.
Philanthropy is rarely done for philanthropic reasons
I mean the strange phenomenon of the super-wealthy suddenly (in the last 10-20 years) switching sides to pushing socialism. As an aside – the reason they are doing this is they do not want to give up their wealth (who does?) – but this does not square with the ‘fair society’ they are always talking about – so by arguing for socialism for the rest of us – especially the poor using the politics of envy and pitting minority group against monitory group – giving poorer people other people’s stuff for free (which the wealthier folks should be doing of their own accord rather than it being organised for them by governments by looking after their neighbours) – they can see a way that the struggling masses with no time for pointing the fingers at them – the real enemy’s of man – will turn a blind eye to their greediness, bad deeds and super-wealth and be happy that they gave them a few or other people’s crumbs. And that’s exactly what we see happening. A push by the super-rich for a socialist world order – because they know the world can’t sustain the current levels of consumerism – and the rich are not prepared to give up their castles and their planes and holidays – so this is their method – to take from the hard-working middle classes and promise it to the poor. Same story – over and over and over – nothing new under the sun.
Back to the evil hidden hammer of political correctness that hangs above anyone who does question anything – and I don’t mean says everything is a conspiracy because it’s obviously not – I mean just suggest that some of these high IQ folks are being manipulated and manipulating things for their own ends – or more precisely bank-accounts (it is no conspiracy that men have ALWAYS done this and will continue to do it). And therein lies the answer as to why they are following anything they are told; the love of money.
They know – that to question anything at this point – so close to the last nuts and bolts of the new fair global order being put in place – will mean instant dismissal – the hammer will drop and there is no recovery. Your job will be lost – your name besmirched – your income finished and your family life and reputation ruined.
Order out of chaos – a political tool as old as the hills
It is a great evil – that no one can question anything that anyone says at this time in history – without being called a lunatic. It’s like a tyrannical father in a house where everyone is being abused but no one is allowed to speak up. I think the excuse for people turning a blind eye to this foretold predicament that has been laid out in the the bible – is that the West – America – the UK – have been carefully an systematically painted for years all ‘bad’ in our homes and schools for years and people – especially the young have fallen for it – those countries that for the first time in history created laws to thwart their own tendency to corruption – that actually brought us out of slavery and allowed technology and freedom to flourish. But now it is time to sweep them all away as they are nothing more than a hindrance to globalism – the new and far better utopia is in sight.
Don’t envy the more wealthy. The first will be last and the last first
It’s only right. In this short life and temporal dog-eat-dog world Jesus told us it is more blessed to be poor than rich because wealth brings bondage to that wealth, and breaking one’s faith in it is very hard but thankfully not impossible to do. God made some rich – sometimes to bless others, but sometimes more scarily having hardened themselves towards God – to accelerate their doom. The answer is to fear God and always question what you love most.
Utopia is always built over a sea of blood – to many in power this is an acceptable and necessary evil
This is an evil ideology we has actually seen tried and tested (and failed) in history and as we are seeing will be tried again by people who think they know better than everyone else but who lack wisdom (or perhaps scruples) – those often with a messiah complex – they wouldn’t be where they are unless they knew best right? No – some people could be in your position but choose not to make a god of power.
We know as Christians there is no such thing as utopia on this earth – the problem is, and has always been men’s sin. And until that is dealt with, men’s hearts – their proud arrogance and desire to be gods in their own lunch-breaks (which is laughable as they can’t even make a grain of sand let alone a cosmos) and having untethered themselves from the anchor of a real, watchful and judgmental God – men will wax worse and worse in their pride, and in more and more ways call good evil and evil good, and find more and more ways to appear as better and better human beings while they do it – until Christ, who has purposely let man have his futile run at achieving godhood – comes to expose the truth in our hearts and set things right. The fear of the LORD really is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One really is understanding.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: