The mainline protestants will tell you it’s a chip that goes in the hand or forehead that without we cannot buy and sell.
Other mainline protestants will tell you that it is the mark or ‘seal’ of God in your forehead and in your right hand – forehead meaning mind and right hand meaning the work of your hands.
The seventh day adventists will tell you it is the enforcement of Sunday worship (not Sunday worship itself – they are OK with this is as long as you observe the Sabbath (7th day of the week/Saturday)). This Sunday law enforcement will bring with it the inability to buy or sell if you don’t accept it.
So Who’s Right?
Now, unlike all the other articles on the web that categorically say that they are right and all the other views are wrong, I am not going to tell you what I think the mark of the beast is, but I am going to tell you a few things to get you thinking so that YOU can study the word to show yourself approved and the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth.
Some Interesting Indisputable Facts (research this yourself)
FACT: the mark of the beast will be – without question, whatever is the thing, that disqualifies all people from buying and selling in the final hours of earth’s history. How do I know – The Bible tells us this exact thing. It also tells us it will be part of a single world government and financial system. So far, we haven’t reached that point as we still have cash, and are still able to use it to buy and sell food.
FACT: The Catholic church says itself that if Christians are to keep the biblical sabbath and stay in line with the Bible’s teachings – it is without question the seventh day of the week (Saturday) that we should keep (whether we should keep the sabbath at all is a separate issue).
FACT: The Catholic church sates in it’s own doctrines and Catechism that it; “changed the sanctity (holiness) of the sabbath from the 7th day of the week to the 1st as a mark of it’s authority.” Authority over what you may ask? According to their own words, they have authority over the Bible!
FACT: The Catholic church says itself that if Christians are to keep the biblical sabbath – it is without question the seventh day of the week (Saturday).
FACT: The ‘Mark’ whatever it is will be a life and death issue – in other words, you will need to take this mark in order to stay alive and live – to save your skin to buy food. How do I know for a fact that this will be the case apart from the fact it sounds devilish? Because the powers that be will ned to force the issue and force people to show their allegiance to the God of The Bible or to them (i.e Babylon – the world system of mystery spiritualism and general confusion).
FACT: All those that don’t go along with this will most certainly be deemed enemies of the state and therefore enemies of men generally, and ostracised (when in reality those that don’t go along with being numbered or at least ‘marked’ in order to buy and sell are enemies of sin and the desires of evil men’s desires to be free from accountability and to do as they please). How do I know?.. because throughout history Christians have always been branded as such – as rebels of the state and this will never change until the end. Of course the reality is we love the law and this couldn’t be further from the truth. We are rebels against corrupt law and state and the wiles of men devised to control other men.
FACT: the ‘chip’ whether that takes the form of an actual chip, RFID, digital dust, or tattoo or some other technology will for certain in some way be linked to the ‘Mark’ (if it is not the mark itself which we would know if it were accompanied by a forced decision to show our allegiance to a single monetary system without which we can’t buy or sell), since this will be without question the means by which people will be able to or stopped from buying or selling. Cash will be eliminated in any case in the very near future.
FACT: if the ‘mark’ actually turns out to be the chip itself, it will not need to be forced on anyone, since as we can clearly see that people are crying out to have any new technology that makes their life easier and their digital ‘cash’ as it will soon be – safe. Not only that – it is guaranteed that this chip will contain a whole host of other ‘benefits’ relating to health, media, learning, safety from ‘terrorists’ and illegals, home electronics and auto integration, GPS and a person’s general security – e.g a person who is chipped cannot easily be kidnaped without their whereabouts being known. It will be sold with the mantra; ‘peace and safety’ and anyone who doesn’t accept this is a reprobate and ‘against peace’ when this is twisting of truth obvious to a child. Never mind the fact that real freedom will be lost at the stroke of a number and man will forever be at the mercy of a few corrupt men never to be regained by human means. Yes there will be peace – but peace in a prison.
So now with that small amount of information to get you started, please study The Bible as your final authority (not the Pope as Catholicism demands) and as much information you can and weigh is up prayerfully and ask the Holy Spirit that according to the Bible; “can teach you all things.” But we warned; remember God promises in The Bible to; “send strong delusion to those that do not have a love of truth”. Note this does not say; “those that knew the truth” reason?; God knows we all see in part through a glass darkly so he only requires us to love truth and HE will then guide us into it! So, always ask for the truth and always love and seek truth and you will be ok:)
Related articles: – how to know what the Mark of The Beast is when it appears

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: