It’s Sun 29th Nov 2015 and several years ago – around 2005 while I was dreaming up ideas for a book and a resulting movie full of fun characters I had an idea. I’m sure others had it before me but I haven’t seen it anywhere as an idea or in action. I’ve seen a lot of interesting ideas for film like multiple sound sources, multiple cameras filming the same action the viewer can select betWeen to see the action from any angle. But what about this for an idea?
You heard it here first!
Imagine you are watching Star Wars with you and your buddies and you each have a new ‘4D scanner phone’ (not invented or at least released to market yet). Then the film asks you if you would like ‘viewer interaction’ in the movie and which characters you would like to be in the Star Wars film you are about to watch.
you select ‘Yes’ then you upload your full 3D body image via your smart 4D scanner phone to the video/PC device along with a sample digitised recording of your voice. The device then replaces the characters in the movie with you and your friends bodies and voices. Cool!
I have never seen this idea posited anywhere on the web and I think it would be super fun. Take it one step further and the video machine asks you which city you are in and if you would like to replace the locations and backdrops with your city’s – and then it asks if you would like different weapons to the ones Luke and Darth use and you get to select several new ones to add to your arsenal.
Then you and your buddies watch the action play our with all the main characters replaced by you guys! Then you can re-watch the whole thing another night with the characters of your friends shuffled! Coool!
One step further and you could bid for places in the movie whist at the cinema right from your phone! And maybe you even get to where the outfit and sit in the royal box and Darth and Princess Laya! Now that’s a cool idea – imagine it… you go to a premier and get to see yourself as the main character! Better bring your wallet.
Well – remember when it happens, you heard it here first:)

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: