My thoughts today on The Bible having seen several posts on Youtube of people arguing over wether it is God’s Word or not.
I must say having read countless times (especially when I was a new Christian) that; “The Word was with God” confused me no end when people say the Bible “is the word”… this is not to say they are wrong – but then what is The Bible? How can we understand what the Bible is?… unbelievers would say it’s a book written my men and therefore not the word of god – others say its the living word of God – literally alive, others still say it’s ‘The Word of God’. Are both The Bible the word AND Jesus the Word?
Well God is a God of logic – not confusion. So let’s look at it logically. The Bible contains God’s words – Jesus’ words (also God’s words), testimonies of God’s wonderful truths, the histories of his workings and men’s accomplishments with God’s power – and men’s failings when they forget God. I believe also that the Bible is a book of truth in a general sense – so much so it even contains men’s errors, leave in it a few apparent ‘contradictions’ (that could have been removed at any time if it were made as a fabrication) – making it surely God’s book as He is not afraid to even have our weak efforts portrayed in His book – a book that always tells things as they are. This is great – we don’t even have to worry if we find things which seemingly dont make sense as the Holy Spirit will reveal meanings to us over time.
From the Bible: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” Can one argue with that?
We know that the Bible’s words have been tried 7 times in the fire by many the ages and by men of God and those who are not of God (see stories in the Bible of those that ignore God’s ways), and when the words of the Bible are read it does divide like a sword as if it is a living thing! So is it THE sword, or a sword? Well it is definitely a sword and i think in terms of its overall truthfulness and trustworthiness it is THE sword. It is not a living person but God’s sprit IS behind the truth it contains so it certainly has an effect like a living being and is living in that sense (my thoughts remember!:). Even a story of failure in The Bible is powerful as its a true testimony of what really happened and has the power to teach and heal us.
I think it is all, in a sense God’s word (not just Jesus/Gods words) as anything that is truth is of and comes from God. And God does indicate to us in The Bible, that all power is actually held in words and not flesh and blood (He spoke the universe into existence) but these would have to be words of truth right? And we know how it hurts us more when people speak bad WORDS over us that words of love and truth or cause us physical hurt.
My summary is that The Bible is a fantastic testimony of the ways and workings of God as shown in the story of the Jews and countless other stories or testing, failure and triumph. We can trust it as God’s guide and instruction book for us and His truthful testimony to us of His love. And it contains words that are living and will divide like a sword when applied to life, and we do not need to worry about semantics and quibble unnecessarily – just trust God when we read it that He is able to preserve His words and truth and teach us through it. All thoughts welcome – lets help each other understand God’s ways.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: