The Pilgrims in Britain – who then went on to be the forerunners to the Founding Fathers spent years doing something that had NEVER been done in history before of since: they designed a form of government (based on what they knew of human nature to always inexorably tend towards corruption (because of the ever-present lure of money and bribery)) that was LIMITED in nature – so it could only reach so far in the draconian direction. Whereby the INDIVIDUAL was the real sovereign – not the King or the Pope – and each individual’s life and privacy was carefully protected as belonging to THEM – all great biblically inspired values put into law.
But something has happened in the digital age – a reversal has taken place. The US government having gone to such great lengths to protect the individual’s privacy is having this undermined by the tech companies who work hand in glove with (often despotic) governments – all in the name of $$$. The tech companies prime goal (and that of despotic governments) is the same: obtaining and selling and using ALL YOUR DATA – it’s almost the antithesis of the US founding founder’s goal.
A modern-day government’s job is to protect its people from breaches of privacy from government itself, foreign entities like China – AND tech companies via full and total encryption
Now this is OK (I say ‘OK’ very loosely) if they obtain consent to use it (which they invariably do using underhand methods. I mean it’s OK after the horse has bolted to say; “we care about your privacy” when they already have obtained your data without you knowing under your nose – like a money launderer cleans up his business ‘ethics’ after he’s stolen all his money) BUT THE TECH COMPANIES OR GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO READ IT – in other words it should be 100% totally encrypted from everyone except the data owner. It’s the government’s job to ensure that not only can the government not see your private data – neither can the tech companies using it – neither can an outside threat like the Chinese Communist Party – to whom this daily routine of hacking is built into their work ethics. They are already in America’s government systems for sure – which makes a mockery of ‘security’. Personally – I don’t think the tech companies would want anything encrypted as they believe the HUGE lie that openness creates a more honest human – absolute rubbish and foolery!
God and personal reform are the only answer to make a better world (as history has shown). Now the tech companies working with governments are going backwards into tyranny creating digital prison for them and us
There is only 1 thing that can create a better human – the cleansing power of GOD and His words – these are where the only power to turn human nature away from corruption lie – and the founders knew this – even if they were not ‘Christian’ they understood human nature and what it really takes to build a genuinely free and open society – individual self improvement and reform via the creator will seep out into the wider society via families churches and law-courts that carefully enshrine the 10 Commandments – like salt cleansing and preserving what is good and stopping the inevitable corruption rot that men, money and quiet bribery always leads to.
The most valuable thing on earth turns out to be totally immaterial – information – the spoken word – concepts and ideas. Where have I heard that before? “In the Beginning…” Who’s word are you going to take?
What does this mean? It means all personal data say on your phone or computer is fully encrypted and crucially INACCESSIBLE by the phone manufacturer – outside rogue governments (like the Chinese Communist Party who will think nothing of hacking into anything and everything and are right now inside American government server no question)
Western leaders and tech companies (though Apple stood against FBI!) eager to gain data lie to their young people by telling them China’s way of governing and creating wealth is legitimate
Now I’ve known this fact about human nature when I experienced it first hand as a kid – and figured out that basically human beings are dishonest – not only to others but much more importantly to THEMSELVES. It was 15 years later when I read the bible and all this was confirmed and of course you find out that it’s been known by most thinking people and philosophers since time began – there really is nothing new under the sun. This means if a person is willing to justify their own bad behaviour or alignment with things they know are wrong and turn a blind eye because it pays their wages – we are in trouble. And that’s what we see with todays career politicians.
But there a a few people out there who have understood this and come out and admitted their involvement in such schemes and like the money launderer are cleaning up. Well I suppose that’s better than continuing in sin. Either way that’s enough of me – hear what i am attempting to communicate from someone who lived and worked and studied the Chinese Communist Party and leaders’ mindset.
This guy in the great video above has had his eyes opened to a large extent and his diagnosis is correct. However where he is wrong is in his prognosis at the end. He believes that there is a human solution to the problem. Why is he wrong? Because men can – and always will – even good ones – given the right incentive or facing a calamitous situation of enough magnitude (take a revealing dossier etc) – be bribed. So he is knowledgable – but not wise and does not fully understand the human condition. He understands the corruption in China – but he does not understand that this is present in ALL men’s hearts and so western business men and politicians in this world of global finance will always undermine their own country’s security given enough sweeteners. The playing field between doing what’s right and wrong is not even. Given his humanitarian viewpoint than we can fix the underlying problem I suspect he is not a Christian. “If my PEOPLE (not “if my politicians…”) will repent and turn to me I will heal their land,” is the ONLY HOPE.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: