A couple of days after I saw what was happening around the globe regarding the Covid outbreak in China and the panic surrounding it – I knew straight away that various people, groups and companies around the world take full advantage of this – some for $$ – some for power – and many for both. At the same time for some inexplicable reason – or call it intuition – common sense or whatever – it also popped into my head that from this moment on we would not hear any more about colds, flu and flu shots would now be a thing of the past. Why? Simple – because now the politicians and their friends in the science labs and shot companies can make a killing by confusing flu and colds with Covid.
I found out shortly after that a common cold can be caused by a Covid strain – but how often were we told that at the beginning of the outbreak? How about never. I guarantee that 90% folks (have been led to) believe that Coronaviruses are a completely new deadly virus we’ve never seen before. They are not.
Fast-forward about 6 months after the Covid19 started spreading across the world I noticed (I’m sure along with a loads of other folks) that no one I knew had had a cold or flu during that time. It’s as if they suddenly stopped. There were of course millions of Covid cases everywhere. No – I’m not saying Covid 19 does not exist or it’s not terrible – hold on a minute.
So – with with winter approaching I assumed lots of folks would soon come down with flu and colds as they always do and fill up the hospitals – especially the old and they would be dying in care homes as they always due where it doesn’t take much to kill a frail old person. And at some point usually once a year or two me also would come down with a cold or flu.
Also notable was the idea that one easy way to help diagnose this new virus (I thought it was a – you have it or you don’t scientific until much later where it seems even the PCI test designer says it’s not a suitable test – and – that 1000’s of cases are being diagnoses by ticking boxes and seeing if it fills the quota?!!! What?!!) was losing your sense of smell. Wait a minute – I lose mine during every cold and flu I ever had – I remember as a kid that was the first thing I noticed about colds and flu – I can’t smell any more. Ah yes – but with Covid it takes forever to get it back – well – same thing for me after al cold. Anyway – benefit of doubt – I think there is such thing as Covid and it’s pretty bad for many.
But now winter has come and all the hospitals are filled it’s the same – no one has flu and no one gets colds any more. Somehow the Covid has been wiped it out. Well this has got to be great news! Not really – it means somehow colds and flu are going down as Covid cases – the question is how many – does anyone know?
Does anyone care that the maker of the Covid PCI test said it’s not fit for purpose and prone to serious mis-diagnosis? It doesn’t seem to matter to the governments in USA and UK – as long as swabs are up noses and boxes are ticked and grants are coming in the government is seen to be doing it’s job. In any case – if it’s wrong – they can blame their scientific advisers. – who can blame someone or something else. It’s a total neglect of proper responsibility to think about it logically and not over-react which is paramount so this thing does not go on forever – as long as they are doing something and it’s big enough to match the panic. Then – we find out lots of these advisers have shares and special interests – oh my goodness – the age-old problem again.
Then we have all the globalist’s opening on video declaring their mission with their; “we must never let a pandemic go to waste” – and – “we must break a few eggs to make our global omelette” mantra to quickly shoehorn us all into a track and trace – Chinese-style all-seeing-eye illusion of freedom government. God help us. It’s been on the cards for a long long time and we knew it was coming – but I really think it’s time for us Christians to get our houses in order as we are clearly about to be seriously marginalised – something that is (and the Bible tells us) is at the very root of what we are seeing all round the globe under the disguise of supporting this group – that cause – this pandemic. By doing this we ‘out’ ourselves as we draw the line at taking away people’s freedom – that is exactly what the globalists want and it’s working well.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)