The Devil is given a strange name in The Bible – one I could never understand even though I knew he was thoroughly diabolical in all respects. This particular name made no obvious sense to me for years – that was until about 10 years ago. The name? He who weakens the nations. Now come 2016 – and the desperate attempt to oust Trump at any cost – even the truth – and the same happening across the pond in England with Brexit and an attempt at any cost to stop it by globalists behind their millennial pawns – we can all see clearly what this means.
A house divided can’t stand – divide and rule is as old at the sun
The EU – who are globalists of course and when the time it right would be quite happy to hand power to some even larger central power so long as they are promised a part in it (as long ago as 1970 British documents you can request and see in London – talk of a possible European Superstate and army as a result of integration – wasn’t that always obvious?) is nothing less than a massive organised attempt that has been in the planning for 100’s years – but that has come into clear focus in the last 50 – to weaken all those nations around it by monetary means until it gains control over them whilst posing to be their friends. Now – we know that most Democrats across the pond are also faithless globalists – and we see the same thing there. They know that the only thing standing between their global agenda (with them at the helm of course) are united and free countries – in this case The United States and the United Kingdom.
So why are the super-rich all now advocating socialism?
Have you not noticed the odd phenomena that all these rich folk all over the globe are suddenly outing themselves as socialists? Rich and socialist? – it’s almost a contradiction in terms – but of course they have plans to reach into our pockets to spread the wealth. Why would they do this? A little thought gives us the answer; it’s to ease their own consciences for being filthy rich – by spreading other people’s wealth they can convince themselves that they have ‘done something’ to alleviate world poverty without giving away their own. If only they realised the Jesus they are trying to get rid of isn’t against wealth – he would like all to prosper (not in the Benny Hinn way I haste to mention). If they can play a little part in bringing about a socialist world order with our money they will sleep well at night.
Bringing America down a peg – you can’t have global government with a UNITED States of America (or a UNITED Kingdom)
So – the mission for globalists – and Democrats are globalists (and many have huge chips on their shoulders about the country that gave them freedom) is to dis-unite those kingdoms that stand in their way – those united kingdoms that stand up for real freedom and real liberty that stop them from ruling the world from their intellectual ivory towers.
Wherever there is a disaster – there always is an intellectual in the middle of it
The know-alls want to replace those nations they see at the problem – with a Chinese style freetatorship (a term I coined for a dictatorship that gives the illusion of freedom – a la China). Why? Because these are people without faith – and if you have no faith – the ONLY means to bring peace and stability to the world is a top-down technocracy. And make no mistake – these folks and their friends at SillyCone Valley all know this where we’re headed and is already in place. Ironically they couldn’t stop the coming digital prison they are unwittingly building for themselves and us if they wanted. It’s judgement on men who do not love truth.
So don’t get excited about the little wave of pride in nations that’s sweeping the globe – this will not last and is at best is a chance from God to get our houses in order – because small groups of faithful people in the USA and UK and no doubt in many countries repented and called on God for help. “If my people will turn their face to me…” the Bible says – not – “If my politicians…”
Strong delusion because they loved not the truth
It’s a strange phenomena I’ve noticed – like a herd running towards a cliff – folks think there is a certain safety in collectively believing what they know to be untrue. As if by looking the other way they will be able to say to God; you didn’t make the truth clear enough – and the fact we all believed a lie is proof. That won’t do I’m afraid. We must work out our salvation individually and in any case – men are without excuse from what has been made.
There is only one imperfect but proven successful means to have REAL peace in and REAL freedom in a fallen world and that is small communities that govern themselves – or states – sound familiar? Not a central tower of Babel. But the globalists egos and pride can’t conceive of any world where they are not in charge – it’s called a messiah complex and most of them having been given power foolishly think it was handed to them by the powers of the universe. Unfortunately for them it was – the God of the Bible – along with strong delusion because because again – they loved not the truth.
America is (was?) great ONLY because it put the Bible first
Christians are not stupid enough to think that America made America great and the globalists also know this and feel it’s their duty to strip her of her ‘undeserving’ wealth to appease for all her mistakes of which like all people – there are many – The Bible made America great and whilst they may prosper a season at the helm of their global government – in the end they are doing nothing more than cutting off the branch on which they spout their anti-USA nonsense.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: