UPDATE: 101 has been saying since hearing of ‘Q-Anon’ – this is just some group on the web having ‘fun’ with web surfers – at best playing with Internet users to see how gullible they are – at worst, deliberately invented by ‘leftists’ to attempt to show Christians and conservative thinkers to be foolish. It is the usual mix of half-truths and nonsense that sounds plausible like so much on the web. As we knew would happen – ‘Q’ is now being used to bash anyone who fell for it. So please be extra careful what you believe on the web as it’s full of ‘experts’ – fake news, ‘gurus’ and people who are really only interested in making a quick buck from advertising clicks on click-bait articles and videos.
I’m a little – actually a lot concerned about how people on the net – especially on the wonderful site that is YouTube how many Christians are quick to assume EVERYTHING is a conspiracy.
We mustn’t be foolish – and make a fool of God – ok I know we can’t make a fool of God but…
The fact is, we know there have always been men (sorry to leave you out ladies but it’s one thing we do better) that have conspired to steer events in their own interest, be it business, politics, war, even the case of Jesus according to the Bible there was a conspiracy in heaven and amongst men to silence him and his teachings that went against the status quo – even his own follower Judas and on and on. But we need to be careful we are not believing everything we see on YouTube. Yes – there is a lot of truth, but a LOT of nonsense too – so we must carefully sort wheat from chaff by consulting The Holy Spirit – the quiet voice to tell who is for real and who is just trying to get revenue from Ad clicks on their channels (and believe me that makes up a lot of them – the love of money once again proved as the root of all evils.
Men have ALWAYS conspired to change events in their favour – but not everything is a conspiracy
Otherwise we are giving certain folks who are doing everything they can to demonise Christians and conservatives, all the ammunition they need and more, to easily discredit everything we say – and more importantly even when we call out REAL conspiracies – of which there are plenty!
Think on good things the Bible says
It’s kind of a Peter and The Wolf situation. We need to only cry conspiracy when we know – when we’ve seen with our own eyes or heard from the small still voice without question – not when we think we know. In fact – in the Bible, though we are told to call out evil, but actually there seems more emphasis is on being a light in this dark, as it automatically dispels darkness without need for angry debate which more often than not just creates resentment, and we are specifically told to think on what is good – what is lovely – what is pure etc. We are instructed to steer clear of endless and often pointless debate (one example is to avoid endless discussion on genealogies – I assume since we are all of one blood according to Jesus – and certainly we are all mixed to one degree or other) as it profits no-one.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)