We should all start trusting our leaders! What.. these leaders?
Wait.. you mean Boris Johnson, or Macron, or Merkel? No – I said our leaders. Oh I see – I better explain who our leaders are. Our leaders are no longer the totally untrustworthy folks like our more recent prime ministers and presidents (I say that cautiously as there are always one or two exceptions – national leaders who really do have good intentions and motives). No – I mean our new leaders; that is the scientists, and their friends in big business and big tech CEO’s that have actually been calling the shots for much longer than most of us, including myself ever realised until about 20 years ago.
The invisible leaders who’ve existed centuries
I forgot to mention the leaders of the leaders we see and hear – the super-super rich individuals – or families that carefully remain anonymous. Those that have stakes in the private – yes private central banks (how did this ever happen – that a country does not produce it’s own money but is beholden to a group of stockholders?!). The secret owners of companies like Blackrock and Vanguard who own everything (and I mean EVERYTHING – just go onto Yahoo Finance and search ANY large company from Microsoft to Coke to any media outlet, giant phrama company or bank you care to think, of and you will see it is owned by this small group of 2-4 companies. It’s called cyclical ownership. Basically they’ve won the giant game of Monopoly and are now clamping down via social credit systems and biometric digital ID as fast as they can to avoid what they themselves call ‘the pitchforks (see TED talk 2014 called; The Pictchforks are Coming) when the masses realise the amount of theft of the ordinary man’s wealth – pensions and everything else that’s been going on while we were oblivious just struggling trying to make ends meet. I’ve been writing a book about this scenario for 15 years, whereby in exchange for total control of the world, these super-dooper rich bankers and merchants will offer the lazy masses (those who are not bothered by any of this and willing to give up the freedom that was handed to them by the blood of their forefathers for an easy life) free credits in their new fake utopia.
Why are Western leaders at the behest of their hidden puppet-masters embracing Communism, social credit scoring and abolishing democracy?
I mean Trudeau, Macron, Johnson, Ahern, Biden, Ireland’s PM and even the Australian Prime Minister. Simple – it’s a directive of the WEF. In fact – all the world organisations with capital letters are singing from the same hymn sheet. We already have global governance. Banks have been storing data and transferring money digitally for 40+ years. We already have a social security number – ie a digital identification – but it’s not yet all controlled from one central databank as it soon will be. But more importantly we’ve reached a point where 90% human labour (and life as far as they are concerned – we are called useless-eaters) will be obsolete – all will be created by machines. So, the hidden owners of everything will not need us any more to invent and create and manage (AI will take care of that). They still however have the problem of the Eastern despots not playing ball and still plan to take over the world. So what better way than to embrace their communist friends across the water by embracing their form of tyrannical governance, then the hidden Western merchants and bankers can finally come out into the open without fear of war or being reprimanded by the masses (who by now will be easily controlled since they will not be able to buy or sell(eat) without digital ID/total control).
Bribery and corruption used to be frowned upon by the Christendom in The West as an Eastern problem – but it’s been made the new-normal in the West
These elite will of course enjoy a seat on ‘the ark’ they imagine is unsinkable – but more importantly have a seat the table of power where they and handful of a other self-elected Kings of The Blue Planet will hand their power to one King who will reign forever. And all this will be ‘legitimised’ by them willingly coming under the ‘infallible’ decision-making of quantum computing that will fairly divide up the worlds resources amongst men and what is left of ‘nations’. This automatically marking anyone who calls this this obvious foolishness into question a danger to the new world peace and ‘prosperity’ to be separated from the rest and either re-educated but more likely (if Christian) probably disappeared as happens in China every day.
For social credit scoring to be accepted – Communism must be ‘normalised’ as painted as positively good in the West
What better way to do make young people think a Chinese form of government in the West is nothing to fear than by embracing the Beijing Olympics?! The truth is, we should never even be at Beijing when we consider what is allowed to happen in China to minority groups or those that question the regime – but the Chinese form of governance must be normalised across the whole world if there is ever to be ‘peace’ – our leaders have decided for us, and what better way to subconsciously get us all used to this new communist normal by forcing us to watch it on TV every night. After all – if anything really bad did happen in China, the BBC and Channel 4 wouldn’t boycott it right?
Lastly of course it goes without saying that the geniuses that are building our new utopia and have given us such wonderful technology as the Metaverse and other great wonders of the world – not to mention by implementing communism’s iron fist with a single globally central government, abolishing war and famine and sickness (all be it by messing with our genetics and of course requiring the loss of every man, woman and child’s freedom forever and *irreversibly) will see to it that they deservingly be exempt from the planned forced medical procedures, social credit scoring and limitation placed on us.
*Thankfully God promises to undo tear down this fake ‘heaven on earth’ in His timing after it has been seen by all men for what it is.
So WHO are some examples new visible leaders?
The key is to simply look for world organisations with capitalised letters in their name, then you are very close to finding out. So then who are the actual people in charge of these capitalised institutions? Well, that would be all those well-meaning folks at the W.E.F. – the W.H.O. the U.N. at G.A.V.I. and at all the other long established global institutions we are all familiar with, and have no doubt like me, wondered for decades why they exist if we have effective national leaders and institutions. Clearly it is felt by those that started the capitalised institutions they are not effective enough and there is some truth in this – but this is where wisdom and intelligence can sometimes depart in opposite directions.
Survival of the fittest is the new (actually quite old) order of the day
To date, prime ministers and presidents have long been the lap-dogs of those at the top of the food-chain, but now they are merely reduced to glove puppets and a new set of lap dogs have taken over. Prime minsters and presidents are over – merely statues standing in grand offices. Meanwhile all the real decisions are happening over here and have been for ages.
Now the new lap-dogs – ie the dancing chickens on hotplates that will jump to any tune of the globalist leaders mentioned above, are the giant business corporations and their owners. And these are; Amazon, Google, Facebook, Wallmart etc. NOW you know why the masses and masses and masses small businesses and the voices of those that put their blood sweat and tears into had to go. They are nothing but a nuisance that afford ordinary folks a level of freedom and more importantly, an income that gives them the ability to be able to speak out (since they are self-supporting) against wrongdoing when they see it.
When our new leaders say something will happen – they are good to their word
So we MUST learn to trust our new globalist leaders, because unlike our current has-been puppet leaders, these are true leaders, and we know this as the mark of that is that they never lie to us. What do I mean exactly? Well, when Anthony Fauci said (many months before the current health crisis) that quote (please look for the video yourseld); “there would definitely be an outbreak during the incoming presidency,” he meant it. There was no double speak – he said it, and it happened.
So then equally, when Tony Blair says (please look for the video); “the only way forward is global digital ID,” (I’m not sure why it took him so long to announce this was the goal as many of us have been expecting it for 50 years) at exactly the same time that A.F. above said there would be a global health crisis, we better believe mim. Though Blair I feel is not at ‘high up’ as he imagines – or that his friends have led him to believe he is, and I would advise him to tread with caution, as folks like him, given great power for time can just as quickly be thrown under the bus by higher-ups when necessary just as quickly, if history is anything to go by.
The forth industrial revolution does not require small business – or annoying small voices
Take Klaus Schwabb. He is a man we can all trust implicitly; when he says – paraphrase (please look for the video yourself) something very close to; “the greatest threat to humanity now is global Internet catastrophe,” we can count on his words as being honest and true. In other words – there will be a catastrophic Internet shutdown at some point soon – and of course I will guess from other things said explicitly, this will be quickly followed by a special biometric ID necessary to get back onto it. Why? – because they say these things so we can trust them.
If you are wondering what I mean – this will be no different from the catastrophic health situation we recently found ourselves in (told to us; “make no mistake,” would happen beforehand by a very well-known Dr and global advocate – please look for the video) and the digital ID we all now to get back onto the health system. We can trust what those at the capitalised institutions say will happen in the future to the ‘T’ – no Nostradamus or crystal ball required.
Many of our new leaders (CEOs and scientists) truly believe if humanity is to survive – a few eggs must be cracked to make the omelette
So in summary – all this distrust of our new leaders has to stop. We must learn to trust our new leaders, Everything they say on video (please check yourself) I guarantee is said from the heart, and said believing it to be for the good of humanity, and said knowing that it will come to pass – especially when they say…”it will come to pass“!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)