I always believed that guns must be bad. Why?.. err because I was told so, over and over growing up by television anchors, politicians, parents, friends etc and yea… they were right – guns were bad. I mean don’t get me wrong, there won’t be any need for guns in heaven. But did you know why the US Constitution allowed for the general public to carry firearms? I’ll tell as I found out. It’s so they can defend themselves and others from armed threats, tyrannical governments and shooters like the ones that killed the four unarmed professional soldiers in Chattanooga, Tennessee yesterday? Not so they can go around shooting up the place.
The great universities were all set as Christian institutions by men of God
Don’t forget when the law to allow the public to defend themselves was made, the whole legal system and moral conscience of the nation was underpinned by The Bible. American (and many others around the world) Universities – Harvard etc, were originally set up by great men of God to educate young folk in God’s ways and study his designs, invent new things creating work and better living standards. Every home in America would read The Bible, teach it’s children the Biblical stories and pray together and thank God for their food and freedom every day. This, despite her many faults (since when did God only bless perfect people and nations but those that chose to follow Him despite, knowing and admitting their faults?) led to America becoming the wealthiest nation on earth under God and giving more aid to poor countries than any other nation in history.
It was also this great nation and others that based their laws and living on The Bible that stood up to Hitler at great cost. I fear that America, having thrown God and The Bible out, that there are no longer any nations that would have the courage or means under God to stand up to such tyranny should such dictators ever rise again. And they seem to be but this time not as military mights – but more surreptitiously as political mights to achieve their ends and domination over the masses and weaken the nations. What is the EU all about?
Of course, if you live in the US you already know this – though it seems many in the USA thanks to those that wish to suppress the truth are forgetting fast just why the founding fathers made it law and the duty of people to depose threats or at least defend themselves and neutralise them for good reason – just like the one yesterday that had the constitution been followed would surely not have been so deadly – the soldiers would have quickly neutralised the threat.
But if you live outside the US, in England for example, you have probably like I did for years until I researched the matter, bought the main stream media and powers that be’s line that guns are bad period, everyone that has them are bad, they encourage violence, and more importantly, the you unwittingly bought the massive lie that allowing US citizens to protect and arm themselves increases violence. The opposite is true when the stats are viewed! Don’t believe it?.. research this yourself.
Outlaw sick videos, games, violence on TV and on the Net first
No – what dulls and desensitises culture and creates violence and mayhem, especially amongst our youth – the ones we ought to protect and so encourages violence, are ever more violent video games that depict madness, theft and violence as sport, TV and film and Internet that depicts totally depraved violence, gore and death and allows minors to see it at the touch of a button – all of which are allowed by the government.
So lets’s get to the root of the problem not try to stick a band-aid on it and try to use this ‘problem’ of guns to gain ever more control over the public – the people that governments are supposed to serve not lord over. EVERYONE knows that if a criminal wants a gun, anti-gun legislation will NEVER – I repeat – NEVER EVER stop him (or her, to be politically correct as I hate being since it’s obvious to anyone with half a brain that this violence all over the media is mainly viewed by males and it’s largely desensitised males that carry out such atrocities – apologies to all those with half a brain – obviously no one reading this:).
Desensitisation to violence – not guns – is the real problem
So why my article headline? Did you realise that the place guns will never be disallowed in the US are when there is money or important governors to protect? That’s right – not outside schools to protect children, not in shopping malls, and soon not by the public to protect their families and loved ones and the public at large should they see a threat. Even the Pope has joined in and said that guns should be controlled (banned to you and I) – you know the guy surrounded 24-7 by armed… ahem. Look, I’m not saying governors and money should not be protected – on the contrary – they should! But I guarantee you, if some guy had pulled up with $20,000 to fill up the ATMs in the mall where those unarmed men died yesterday – there would five armed guards to protect it. And what does the Bible say?; “the love of money….”
Blaming guns would be like blaming a pencils for writing a nasty letters
So before you say like I did; guns are bad because so and so told me – do your own research as to why the incredibly intelligent founding fathers collectively came to the conclusion that the public – those that could potentially come against them!.. should never be disarmed.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)