Man has, and always will try to imitate and stand in the place of The Christ. And it’s to be expected that men believe a saviour will come, even one born of a pure virgin – it’s in our DNA from Serapis to Donald Trump so no surprises there. We instinctively know that a god would not be particularly nice god that expected us to live in this hell-hole we call civilisation, bit was not prepared to experience it himself. But the God of The Bible was prepared – from the beginning of time in fact.
In my humble opinion God did come just as expected by many different ancient people’s in the form of flesh, and has also as expected by confused mankind been depicted in a thousand ways wrongly – made to look like emperors, or light skinned and so on – all to be expected of whoever was in power at the time from Constantine or the Catholic church or whoever. Men never miss an opportunity if they can’t beat something, to join it or make it their own.
But the person The Bible speaks of – this Jesus – this Christ was real alright. Even the anti-Christian historians of the day attested to him existing and being crucified. So we can forget Serapis, Osiris and all the other god-men that have predictably been created in men’s image before and after the biblical Jesus. This Jesus is the only person in history that according to the Gospels at least, never spoke a word that didn’t make sense, or a word that was untruthful or unjust.
Whoever you think Jesus of Nazareth was, this man clearly spoke the words of the Spirit of God. To me, he clearly was the truth, the truth about life, the truth about men, the truth about God’s nature – nothing he said hinted of delusion or insanity – just the plain unvarnished truth about mankind and his delusions of grandeur. We are then asked in The Bible, having heard from him the unadulterated truth about men, and their problem of sin, and what the only solution would be (God Himself as the only possible perfect sacrifice), who along side his hundreds of perfectly truthful statements also made one seemingly impossible claim and was almost stoned for it – that he was God, to make our choice on which side of this man, or man-God we stand. Having never heard of or met anyone in my lifetime like Jesus who made such a claim, and knowing he went to an excruciating death to put his money where his mouth was, I know which side I’m taking.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: