Global Development

Want to Know The Future of Your Country Before it Happens?

Question; do you think your national or Federal government is deciding how your countries policies are created and carried out in 2021? (I’m not talking about local or provincial governors or governance – though these are greatly affected by outside forces. Well I can tell you they are not. What many democratic central governments across the world are doing is taking orders and closely following the prescriptions and directives from the unelected (by the ordinary folks) business and political leaders that convene and decide the future trajectory of the world at The World Economic Forum.

OK – this is old news – so why am I telling you? Well who doesn’t want to know what’s going to happen in the world politically, financially and economically before it happens? I do. To those people in the free democratic countries of The West – specifically The United Staes and the UK – since they and their people are still free and sovereign which makes them the main obstacles the WEF face in ushering in global government – this is not hard at all to know. Since those calling the shots at the WEF openly discuss their plans and are more than happy to tell you your future – which our politicians (if you had not noticed) and all the WEF’s associates in governments and schools and organisations around the world ALWAYS dutifully carry them out.

If you want to know your future – simply signup to the WEF newsletter!

I had a good read of the WEF newsletter myself this morning so I’m up on the next things they have in line for us and we’ll shortly see happening on our TV screens. Admittedly they are still working on a fair amount of ‘resistance’ that some counties are still putting up (those who have yet to learn that evil and corruption only exist because people are poor – no, I do not believe that (and I don’t believe they do either) but they clearly tell their readers this if you read their articles – it’s a very old half-truth and fools a lot of naive people – remember the mantra – the CCP will enter civilisation when they are ecumenically stable that half the world swallowed?) – like China and Russia – countries that are not used to being told what to do – but sooner or later all countries of the world will be singing from the same hymn sheet and hand over most if not all their power to a centralised and computer-driven system.

‘Equality’ can only be achieved globally by removing ALL our freedoms everywhere – forever

The reason they will do this? The road to Hell is paved with good intensions. To achieve their planned Utopia – The World Economic Forum is pushing a nationalism is evil message by associating it and conservatism (conserving what is good and pure and lovely) with awful, evil dictators who were actually imperialists – not interested in their countries or countrymen (Hitler was not even German so was hardly a true nationalist – ie lover of his country) but simply using Germany as a financial vehicle and powerhouse to take over and rule the world.

There is a word for peacefully taking over the world economically and it begins with the 7th letter of the alphabet. True nationalists hate war and love the idea of different nations and culture and love people of other countries – I do) and will replace the governments of stable countries with a socialist, collectivist, communist ideology – and apart from obvious humanitarian crimes of countries like the CCP that are resisting – there are already on the same page! In other words (and we’ve predicted this for over two decades) the Chinese model of government is fast coming to the West – courtesy our well-meaning friends at Davos and everything is in place and has been for some time. Soon it will be a simple flick of a switch and we will all be trapped in a digital prison with no hope of escape – ever.

Wonder why leaders of countries globally are seemingly turning a blind eye to unchecked immigration and a host of other issues? – it’s all on the WEF website

So – if you want to know the future in advance, don’t visit Mystic Meg or try to decipher the hidden meanings and messages of 10,000 conspiracy videos on Youtube – simply sign up to the WEF newsletter and you too will be able to see all their scientific plans for our countries laid out clearly and concisely as ‘articles’ and ‘suggestions’ – but that in reality are simply what IS going to happen.

Nation states and religion (superstitions) must all go and remain in name only

So if you want to make sense of the apparent confusion everywhere around the globe – leaders strangely abandoning their people for a seat at the global table whist telling them they are doing everything in their interest, the rise and blind eyes turned by politicians to groups like BLM, mounting pressure and animosity towards religious groups, ever more culture clashes and deflective in-fighting amongst citizens within countries you see around the world, encouragement of wide open borders, the culling of crypto-currencies to be exchanged for central bank controlled cryptos, to health passports and digital ID (closely linked to Covid19) to immigration and flooding of relatively stable, sovereign nations – just sign up here now and be among the first to know what’s coming your country next >>

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