Last Days

Twiter* Once Again Lives Up To It’s Name

Come out of Her my people

*OK – I know I spelled ‘Twitter’ wrong but I did it because spelling it with one ‘t’ way is far more appropriate for it’s users (sorry if you are a fellow Twit – I am too, but I try to only use it for the one thing it seems to be useful for – proper news-worthy news – and to make fellow believers aware of my free Christian singles service and other Christians sites I hope will edify and not stupefy (as it clearly seems to be doing to the couple of twits below). I’m sure you use it for far more noble purposes than telling your friends what you ate for breakfast).

It’s time to leave this tower of babble and re-enter reality!

This must be proof that Twitter really is a ship of fools and twits. Come on ye Christians – it’s time to leave the 1000 shades of utter nonsense that is Twitter (and did I dare say throw away your TV too?! – look, we never promised to be politically correct on but tell things as they are) – the website that these ‘celebrities’ are forced to use by the media if they are to retain their ‘status’ (cough) and in turn force us to take notice of their self-obsessed lives and vacuous thoughts on the rest of humanity. Below is yet another example of the total depravity these supposed ‘mentors’ to our children and therefore the countries’ future adults will (which is quite scary) stoop to, and another example of the nonsense that comes out of – no – dribbles out of celebrity Twitsters on a minute-by-minute basis. I thought Facebook was bad enough but someone, please close this awful website as it’s now ruining not just our kids but the ‘adults’ too!

Proof Twitter really is a ship of fools. Come on Christians - it's time to leave this nonsense and re-enter reality!

Proof Twitter really is a ship of fools. Come on Christians – it’s time to leave this nonsense and re-enter reality!


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