I am constantly seeing the British people congratulating themselves over Brexit and the fact that we are now free to do as we please. Please – if you are a Christian at least – understand that we are no more free than we were before Brexit – in fact less free. Perhaps our overlords give us a little leeway here and there as far as imports and exports – and the more we are tied up in silly squabbles about that the better for them.
By overlords I must mean Boris and Westminster right? No – I mean the people who are really calling the shots – the ones that must smile when they see us little people thinking we’ve somehow pulled one over on the EU. And I don’t mean the EU either – that organisation is just a drop in the bucket compared to the meddling in our law that has already been designed and is coming our way.
So who are our overlords then? I’m talking about the super-rich big-tech CEO kingpins and their non-nationalistic friends in politics and science who have no allegiance to any nation – only globalism. No longer do presidents or prime ministers or kings rule their countries – but those on the planet who have the most money. Let’s be real – there are certain people who pop up and make suggestions who are no longer in power – but then what they say actually happens. I’m talking the Blairs and the folks at Davos – these are the people making the real decisions now – and not in darkened rooms plotting against us – they are doing it for us.
But in a way that is how this have always worked. The people who are really setting the pace of everything, are also organising while we squabble about things that will soon be obsolete in all but name – like borders and countries and cash – be it and even the levels of hysteria are those in Davos and Silicon Valley – basically anyone who signs away their to them – Tony Blair is a good example. He keeps popping up and writing articles as if he’s just some nice guy on the fringes throwing out some friendly suggestions – but he is actually at the centre of the real power. They don’t need to be elected by us – our governments just fiddle whilst the real world government maps out our future whether we like it or not.
To get into this club you just need to be the right kind of guy – and Tony’s always been the right kind of guy – and there is no shortage of them. Ya-know – the sort of person that change his religion at the drop of a hat – or do anything so long as it furthers one’s career prospects and cements ones place at the table of power.
And the thing is – these people have told us many times on video they are doing this with or without our consent – all in the open – no darkened smokey rooms. Any why are they willing to ignore laws and ride over elected national governments to do what they want? It’s the same reason as always; because they are absolutely convinced they are doing the right thing in the interests of the world. They are not – but that’s a matter of opinion.
But how can a group of unelected people 1000s miles away control the entire globe and all the world’s governments? Easy – agree to collectively control the flow of digitised money – everything else is irrelevant and will fall into line as and when. It doesn’t matter what we think – what Youtube videos we post saying we need to ‘stop this’ – the horse bolted years ago! (have you seen people like Russel Brand and other celebs and journalists like Robert Peston bless them beginning to questioning what they are only just starting to see around them as the loss of freedoms – about 20 years too late) and after the rest of us saw it coming 40+ years ago not to mention the Bible foretelling perfectly it would all come down to the control of money (buying and selling – ie putting food in one’s mouth).
So it’s time to stop pretending we can do anything about this. And also acknowledge why it has happened. It’s happened because we threw away our bibles. And the Bible tells us – if you forget God – He forgets you – and you cannot expect to throw away the very thing that gave the world freedom (the translated English Bible) and expect to remain free. We get the rulers we deserve.
The East have had to deal with persecution for many years. But for us in the West we’ve been spoiled with our free bibles and our freedom that seemingly and magically ‘sprang from nowhere. We forgot how we got here – on the flaming pyres of martyrs and much spilled blood in many battles against tyranny. For Christians at least the ‘good times’ – that 0ne little window in all of history from 1945 till now where men were relatively free is over – it’s time to get our houses in order.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)