Or perhaps MeSpace has a better ring to it, or what about FaceTwit? You know I’m sorry if this sounds harsh – but these sites reduce us all the – well Twits! Really they do – I know because I have goy caught up in the Inter-web frenzy of fake-friendedness and legalized virtual voyerism that is FaceTwit – sorry Facebook, TwitBook – sorry Twitter and all these other ‘Me’ centered places of me-worship that the masses flock every day – knowing that with each and every click they are becoming less and less what they wanted to be in comparison to their fake friends and more and more unhappy, and just swelling further the coffers of the FaceTwit investors and shareholder – most of whom although stupid to invest in such folly are are not quite stupid enough to use the sites!
TwitBook, MeSpace or FaceTwit?
And the REALLY scary thing is that the entire celebrity and political world is forced to use this stupefying ‘technology’ that is supposed to make the world a better place wether they recognise its vacuous and dehumanising nature at all. Satan must be dancing in his prison cell when he reads what he has managed to reduce God’s creatures to – beings made in his image for far greater things than tweeting or twitting – something God reserved for birds to wake us up in the morning.
Poking the Sacred Cow
When I first heard the name twitter and saw what utterly pointless, totally me-centered rubbish people were posting I knew the geniuses at FacePoke – sorry Twotster had picked the best possible name ever picked for a website for it’s users. Listen, before you get on your high-horse, I am not frightened of ‘poking’ a sacred cow just because everyone says something is cool. Having your trousers halfway down your legs is not cool and neither is Twitter. No way – I’ll tell you what I really think because I – unlike the virtual Face-Twitters don’t give a monkey’s about you as long as you are adding to their cyber-profile ‘status’ – forget their real status as a human being – their real character and what’s important in life. Even if it has moved on from – “hey I’m having a latte” to slightly more important things like; “wow Justin Beiber’s shorts are SOOO cool!” it’s not even a small step for web-kind – more like a giant leap into meaninglessness.
Of course birdsong being utterly beautiful and 99% tweets being nothing more than pitiful ‘look at me’ statements or inflammatory words that inflame unstable parts of the world and accelerate unrest that is called ‘progress’ as it is helping to remove tyrants – all the while not realising that the they are building the prison around themselves by allowing the tech giants to see, record, and use as evidence if necessary anything they say or do!
Spare me the TwitSter!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)