The problem with the Internet…
We all know the anonymity of the net allows some people to hide behind either a partially and sometimes totally fake persona (and it’s probably worth noting that people have always done this this long before the Internet and always will to one degree or other – the Metaverse makes me shudder). In the worst cases, images and ‘backstories’ can be taken from other sites (I only need to go on other dating sites to see half the profiles are not real as I often recognise the stolen pics!) This problem is magnified when it comes to online dating as Christians – who are naturally trusting are an easy target. Don’t get me started on scammers!
Some thoughts about online dating..
In a perfect world – we believe online dating should not be necessary. But in our world, families, neighbours and friends sometimes rarely communicate, churches can be sparse and disconnected, and Christians who might be suited to each may be miles apart. So we set up 101ChristianNetworks in 2000 to try to address this – and help connect Christians to bring about God centred marriages and families. Here are a few of 100’s success stories (most of the testimonies I’ve received are still on my inbox I hope to upload when I get time).
Swiping is NOT the way forward..
Yep – our service is ‘old-school’ – but that’s how we like it. God is the same yesterday today and forever and we want our members to be REAL believers – and have real content to their character and REAL profiles that show their faith. We have heard stories from ladies especially – that Tinder and Bumble-style dating has ruined dating and I reckon that’s right. Swiping, short-term dating and hook-ups are not the way forward!
At 101 we abhor the way search engines, Twitter and Facebook and other services are given permission to track citizens every move on the web, and granted access to a whole host of data that you or I would never be given access to (you know there is $$ involved). It has nothing to do with privacy – ie wanting to be private – remember what that was?! It’s because we are born free and it should stay that way. The Bible speaks of people “making merchandise of men” – and oh don’t we see this now on a massive scale?!
Universal Global ID and social credit scoring is coming but…
To get verified we require some form of photo ID (which we delete after). To be clear – we do not believe in the global digital ID that is certainly coming, as it takes away a person’s ability to stand against corruption if we discover the people placed over us by God become do not have our best intentions at heart or at worst tyrannical. Indeed this is why the US government and Constitution was the first in history to try to find ways to grant itself LESS power and allow the citizens to ‘carry’ – to give them some means to protect themselves against despotic leaders (how things have changed).
So until global digital ID is mandatory (and we have to shut down and face consequences – as we will not go along with that) web we will only go as far (and no further) to request physical ID – but this is your call – not ours – and ONLY to protect members and never to curb freedom.
God bless you – Edward 🙂

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: