I just read this;
Some think blockchains could put an end to fraudulent deals, such as the Ponzi scheme that led to famed investor Bernie Madoff’s demise around 2009.
Well it hasn’t done very well at putting the current Bitcoin ponzy scheme to bed has it? OK I know – what they really mean is that Bitcoin and currencies like it will stop many of the old forms of money laundering, tax evasion and ponzy schemes – for sure. This is exactly how the NWO – the one Henry Kissinger and all the others speak of on video – once they gain control of it will re-sell it to all of us – and anyone that doesn’t agree – will be deemed not to be a team player on the world stage and sanctioned accordingly – probably by having their digi-wallets disabled until they agree.
But the laughable thing is – while the idea of Bitcoin – to decentralize money is great and long overdue (even though cryptocurrencies will unfortunately for Christians eventually be incorporated into the ‘final solution’ for us being able to buy or sell) that the Bitcoin bubble – is a ponzy scheme.
Bitcoin itself has no value in and of itself and people are trading it hoping that someone else will buy this valueless item for more than they paid for it – classic ponzy scheme in broad daylight. And when the bubble does eventually burst, lots of people at the bottom will be left with nothing and the wealth concentrated in a few hands. So what’s new under the sun?
Banks have always been legalised ponzy schemes – how else can you be allowed to lend out money you don’t have at interest?
However – having said that – that is no different to what banks have always been doing. Especially central banks – that are privately owned (if you don’t believe that go and look it up for yourself and you will see that the banks that make up the US FED have stock holders who are paid dividends who no body knows the identity of). Banks have always sought to do over the masses by charging interest – any form of which used to be illegal and called usury period – now the dictionary definition has been changed (check this also) to now say that interest is ok and means; reasonable charges (my paraphrase).
The banks can’t allow this to go on and will either create their own cryptos – or get together with the government to reign it in ‘legally’ – hence all the negative press from the banker owned news outlets and their friends
So I won’t go as far as to call it Bit-con – as I said the idea of getting away from extortion from traditional banks is beyond great (so long as Bitcoin really is independent and not run by some dark hand we have yet to learn of or even the banks themselves are using this – or letting it happen as a dry run to warm us frogs up slowly for when they take back control) but let’s not pretend.
So ‘invest’ or to be more precise – gamble on it if you want, but let’s not kid ourselves about what this Bitcoin ‘investment’ craze is… just more digits made of thin air on a screen and the love of money.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)