Sure – we have local town mayors, local county governors and planners – and even politicians at high levels in every country making laws and rules at the state and federal level. But were you aware that we have been governed on the things that really ‘matter’ – ie the move towards global government by the global government itself? Yes – this is no conspiracy theory – as the folks making the laws for us little soon to be humanoids – at the supra-national level are bragging about it with big smiles (go and watch them all over the web).
Never forget – Globalists really believe they are doing the world a favour – it’s called Strong Delusion
So what do they do in their delusion to achieve their one-world government and ensure they have a seat at the table? Simple: they used an age-old strategy – a trick – one that goes back to the days before Eden. That is – to sweep everyone unknowingly (some knowingly) along with you in your scheme – oh and don’t forget to lock up anyone who question’s your wisdom (if you are thinking of becoming a global dictator (because you know best) there are plenty of resources and examples you can find on the InterWeb to help you. Thought they failed in the past because the people had a means to resist – however digital technology will ensure this is no longer possible – you are guaranteed success!).
Dragging a tonne of unwitting folks into your scheme is a sure-fire way to ensure it succeeds
So back to the point – dragging other people unwittingly into one’s schemes is a sure, tried and tested way to ensure when the backlash comes from the thinking masses (if they ever wake up) – you have a ready built army that will fight on your behalf against your enemies – the proponents of freedom. What am I talking about? What happened in heaven in that famous cautionary tale? How many angels did The Adversary take with him? Hmm – 1/3rd did you say? Right – that’s all you need. When these folks find out they were lied to they will stick to their guns with everything they’ve got rather than be tried and convicted and lose their livelihoods and everything that goes with it. For defenders of freedom – taking that many people to task would be an unthinkably massive – virtually impossible task. It guarantees your opponent wins. But remember – with God, ALL thing are possible.
Global government is a humanist’s best attempt and only to bring order and ‘equality’ to the world
Think about it; Tony Blair – the once prime-minister of England pops up every now and again (and lots of other old-timers who seem to have been around since the earth was created like Henry Kissinger) and tells us he thinks this or that should happen around the world with that awful disarming grin off innocence – as if it was all off the cuff and not scripted by the global think-tankers – sorry think-tanks – and these ideas are just popping into his head as he speaks. We are not fools – or are we?
Because then we – the lemmings, sit and watch and think to ourselves – please be quiet and go away Tony (don’t tell me you haven’t) – we don’t trust you as far as we can throw you and turn off the TV thinking that will work and make him go away – besides – we have a new Prime Minister now! Then low and behold – a year of two later – what he says he was ‘asking for’ miraculously happens – or something close to it. You get the point. So then who is ruling the world? Officials elected by us under our wonderful ‘democracies’ which for a long time they really were with all their faults? Don’t make me laugh any more or I’ll have a stroke. Still not convinced?
OK – then don’t listen to me – don’t take my world for it – listen to this brave lady below. I do feel a bit sorry for her as she is just now figuring out what we Christians have known from for many decades was coming and written about many times for years – but may God bless her for being brave enough to stand up now she does know as she also throws light on some of the details of what’s happing we wen’t aware of..

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: