{draft article – to be written/edited}
I never liked this term dyslexia when when I first heard it as I had a sneaking suspicion that I had ‘it’ – but at the same time I knew I was simply behind in my learning – having 3 older brothers that got more attention help-wise with busy parents (I cannot blame them).
“The child knows it” – rings so true. What causes it? Nothing – it’s not a ‘problem’. Humans were not meant to spend all day reading when they were designed 1000s years ago. The ‘problem’ is that reading has become so paramount to functioning in modern civilisation and society. These kids would never suffer when they were hunter gatherers. Think of CEOs – they are often not good at some of unexpectedly simple tasks but highly developed in others. So the answer is simply these kids need more help in this area.
It starts with non-intelligence related reading difficulties – and then the child is in a constant struggle to catch up with other ordinary tasks and learning
It’s nothing to do with bad sight, intelligence or coordination – it’s to do with issues of ordering data in the brain. ‘Discovered’ reading is not related to IQ? – I wish they’d asked me 25 years ago! I’m afraid to say that’s obvious. “Part of the brain not functioning as highly as other children’s?” – yes that sounds right.
I wish the’d asked me 25 years ago. Only just finding out?! As Margaret thatcher said – “Consensus” should always be treated with caution. I found school a nightmare – I could not read my school timetable at 13 (and loads of other issues with ordering data mentally) but drop the label. Here’s why: people are gifted in 1000 different ways. Some kids need more help with some aspects reading, cognitive skills, ordering of data, abstraction and ideas and comprehension than others. End.
Vision problem – coloured glasses – coordination?!!! Never heard such ridiculousness. Whoever suggested this?! It’s the brain. People who have trouble ordering data may also have poor coordination but not the cause. There is no question about some people reversing dates/times and just about anything that is in a sequence held in the mind or read off the page (literally see words on page – or hear/arrange months back to front in my mind – then look or hear again and they are right way round). Had this all my life and it’s v hard but just that different aspects of the brain are more developed in some than others – not a big deal. Cave men were not designed to spend all day reading but be creative and smart in many ways. I have to find ways to get round it. I was convinced 25 years ago (after calling dyslexia centre) that like many ‘illnesses’ – what started as simply some (often gifted) kids needing more help in some areas – into an industry. Same happens in pharma – give it a name – parents will do anything to help their kids – make a fortune.
My personal journey and nightmare
I – knowing I was behind over-compensated and became the class-clown funny man – hard for anyone that knows me to believe – but mimicry of the teachers and my friends for fun came naturally to me. Then – understandably I was moved class – lost my friends and became severely depressed that basically lasted on and off for 40 years.
Peter and Janet Hatcher – developed program – contact them.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)