The reason is blindingly obvious, though we may be and are told it’s for a tonne of other reasons (and this is easy to see when you hear what the Judges say we need to include along side the ten commandments if they are to stay in the courts).
Of course the real reason they want to keep the Ten Commandments – you know – those ten simple and easy to keep rules that God gave humanity that would solve all the world’s problems in about 3-4 minutes or less, depending on how long it took us all to get to a computer and Google it (so I guess yes in a strange sense Google does have the power to heal the entire world but not by spreading the kind of information to everyone and their mother they aim to do) – the real reason they don’t like these commands, is because these annoying little rules that keep popping their ugly head up in the most unwanted and inappropriate moments, have an incredible super-power – a super-power that no one can explain much less admit that they possess – especially learned judges many of which seem to think themselves above them these days.
And that is they are super-naturally charged with having the power to heal ALL the worlds ills (perhaps bar natural disasters, which I wager God may actually avert if humanity would turn to him instead of all their stupid idols, bad-thinking and so-called life improving gadgets and technology, that frankly will all be tossed in the bin one day thankfully and replaced with real life-giving things – the things that were once and will one day again be in the garden – access to God’s river of life, the trees of life, renewed super-powered bodies and the rest!
So what’s the reason then?
Oh sorry, I nearly forgot to tell you, I was getting so excited and carried away telling you about the super and miraculous powers contained in the Ten Commandments I almost lost the point of the article. Yes, the real reason judges and lawmakers and correctional officers and privately owned prison companies (yes – can you believe this?) and all the other corporations and governmental bodies charged with dealing with the sin of men don’t like seeing the ten commandments, and will do anything (legal – and more recently anything illegal) to stop them re-appearing all over the nations of the world and especially the once greatest nation in the world for all her many sins – America as they once did, is because in no time at all, these good and just and upright and liberating (I mean real liberation – real freedom, not the nonsense ‘liberation’ mantra of; ‘do as thy wilt’ because I don’t like the idea of some God to be accountable to. Did you know the Bible calls ‘liberal’ evil?.. bet you didn’t like me!) laws of our great and mighty and wonderful God, would put them all out of a job in years if not weeks. Thus, as The Bible which is never wrong in my experience says; the root of ALL evil can be once again traced back to; “the love of money.”

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: