The problem with fashion is that you are embracing what you are being told is ‘cool’ – or in many cases embracing what you are being told is ‘true’ – or even what is ‘right’ – because it is fashionable – i.e because others are doing or saying it, rather than because it either really looks good, is really true, or is really right! So as Christians the word ‘fashion’ really needs to be assigned to the waste bin. Nothing is evil in itself of course – I mean – it’s not a sin to wear something because others are doing it, but it is a sin to say something is right or wrong because others are doing it.
And I would argue that by being a faithful follower of fashion you are sort of setting yourself up to be a sheep in all the other areas in life where it really matters (I mean it’s not really important what you wear so long as it’s not displeasing to God)

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: