We all know as Christians – or at least those Christians that read and know their Bibles – that in the last days Jesus Christ told us that Christians would be treated in the same manner that he was treated; “If they hated me they will hate you” – and that we would be delivered up to the authorities to be tried, and thrown in prison, attacked, beheaded, mocked and all the other things that happened to Christ and his followers at the dawn of Christianity once again just as in the days of old.
And of course there is nothing bazar or mysterious or ‘end-timer-ish’ about saying this, it’s very obvious that this will happen without knowing your Bible in fact. One only has to see the reaction to the word ‘Jesus Christ’ today have experienced the anger people have towards – often the God they claim not to even believe in and the indifference we see for masses of people today in a world that was once a largely church going and God fearing one.
So we as Christians are expecting this to happen and have been since the time of Christ. But now – things are ratcheting up to a new level and it’s all in the name of creating world peace – but really this is a smokescreen for politicians and many people in general who do not want to be accountable to God – and the last bastion and voice that would stand up against this would be Christians – so they will have to go in almost everyones ‘interests’.
Of course this will never bring peace, and it will never get these people off the hook so to speak – and they will still have to stand before God regardless.
Followers of Jesus Christ are extremists? – NOT if we do what Jesus commanded!
One of thousands of recent examples of this can be seen here and it’s only going to get worse. So Christians – the time has come. Of course we are not terrorists but we are and will be labelled as such, just so these people can do all the things God forbids in the ten commandments – have their cake and eat it free from guilt. Jesus NEVER waged ANY wars and he NEVER told us to wage war – so the truth is in plain site and the politicians know this – unfortunately for us however, most of the public these days have thrown God out withe bathwater and have little idea of this and believe all the nonsense they hear from the talking heads that parrot out things like; “the Old Testament is as bad as any other religion” – which shows a severe lack of knowledge and understanding when you take into account that God was more severe in dealing with his own people the Israelites when it came to sin than any other people groups and that will continue to be the case until He returns and at the final judgement seat itself. Judgement begins at the house of God as The Bible says and rightly so! In contrast you will notice that in other religions judgment begins everywhere but the house of God.
Of course the politicians and teachers will never tell the public or the children this – it wouldn’t help their cause and desire to shut up God, The Bible and ultimately his people. But make no mistake – their insistance on trying to wipe God away from the horizon and replace Him with a false fluffy happy-go-lucky non judgemental one will come back to bite them.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)