Distraction and strong delusion
We keep hearing debates in the main stream media about what is and what isn’t a ‘natural born’ citizen – what does and does not constitute a ‘native’ citizen as if the actual rules themselves are what matter. What do I mean? Well the whole reason the founding fathers put these rules in place was not to ensure any kind of % of native blood in the president, it was for a much, much simpler reason – spoken of – would you believe it in The Bible. and what reason is that you say?
Nothing to do with race – everything to do with love for country
Look – none of us are ethnically pure – not a person on the planet – so the whole race debate falls down before it starts! We are ALL mixed to varying degrees and the human genome project points to us all coming from two people in Africa – now that’s a scary thought for some of you! But not me – The Bible says we come from the same family. No – the point he is that love for country is what the founding fathers wanted and out these ‘natural born’ guidelines in place for – to ensure as far as possible we would get such a person.
Always elect one of your own as a Leader
Demanding a natural born citizen to run any country is “Racism” I can already hear from the liberals and young folk who don’t know their history – the line pedalled by those who want to occupy positions of power that once upon a time would never have been granted them in a country like the USA had they not been ‘natural’ born. But of course it is not and for the founding fathers this has nothing to do with race – but everything to do with what The Bible says; don’t elect a king or leader from a different tribe – and these wise men knew this! Why should that matter – so long as the president has at least X% of natural born blood? Let me give you an example.
A few years ago a Prime Minister Gordon Brown – a Scotsman – was installed into the English government – not voted but by default – quite a rare occurrence. Then what did this Scotsman proceed to do? Having no natural love for England (and quite possibly harbouring a dislike for it and it’s policies unknown to the English people) he sold of the family jewels so to speak – all our gold! This man had absolutely NO love for England and the needs of those that worked hard to built it’s wealth at all and acted accordingly.
The English monarchy is another example – a German family that changed it’s name to appeal the the British public. What???!! Yes, it’s unbelievable but true. So who then, when push comes to shove are these people and others in a similar situation going to back?.. their own people of course – just as given a choice of defending your family or someone else’s you would have to out your own family first – it’s no different with countries. This is why snakes like Tony Blair and the other Eu-ophiles – who have no allegiance to anyone are more dangerous than anyone – people who will turn with the tide, people who will turn wherever the money leads them regardless of what’s right or wrong – pure politics basically.
The one that ‘weakens the nations’
The Bible describes the Devil as; “you who weaken the nations” and the above is exactly how it’s done. Follow the Bible’s advice – far from being racist – is designed to protect people and nations – to stop bad individuals and imposters or foreign nations taking over from within by planting someone with no allegiance to the people of that country or nation, and using a countries wealth for their own interests and for retaining power! And don’t fall for the line that is being pushed by the one-world pushers (Blair, EU, Clinton, Christians who think Christianity is the same as socialism when it couldn’t be further from it etc) that are trying to make nationalism a dirty word by claiming it is racist – when in actual fact it was instituted by God in the Old Testament after Nimrod tried to create the first one-world-government with God putting a stop to these evil men who wanted to become God’s in their own lunch breaks.
God ever the genius split the languages and effectively the nations creating a safety net, so that men would not destroy themselves and others in their pursuit to be Gods! The same thing is being pushed by think tanks on children now (though the idea goes back among ‘thinkers’ decades – and in fact to the garden when Lucifer thought himself eligible to rule everything and God’s laws and boundaries to be prohibitive when in actually they were designed to be protective) – the idea that national identity is bad when in actual fact it creates a safeguard to nations by limiting power and stopping one person holding all the cards. God knows men cannot be trusted with absolute power and it has nothing to do with race – that my friends – especially young people – is a lie.
Always elect someone that loves your country – and fears God!
Out this whole debate another way to make the message clear – never elect someone who has little reason to support your nation should things get difficult! We know what happens when you do – you end up with the current situation in America – where the president has absolutely no love for America and makes it so so clear with his snearing words about America and The Bible. To all Americans; elect him again at your own peril – once he has fully dismantled the amazing US Constitution – the last bastion of freedom in the word – it could be the last free elections you have!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)