“Son, whenever you find a small flock of despised, hated and maligned people – follow them, stay with them!”
(Young Polish mother burned to death at the stake for believing The Bible).
When you hear someone say; “all scholars agree that such and such…” please do not take the speaker’s word for it. Take the words they say and be prepared to find out that they may be right when they say that “all…” so and so – but also be prepared to find out that the masses are not always right. In fact, the Bible suggests that the masses are often – if not always less likely to be right than the few.
Of course, being in the minority does not make you right either, it’s just that Jesus said categorically that you will not find the truth in high numbers. In other words, if everyone says something is right you can pretty much be sure they are wrong! Why? Because men are sinners and they are in fleshly fallen bodies subject to all kinds of stresses and enticements and it takes an extremely strong will and I would argue a will that has the Holy Spirit to actually walk the narrow path and go against the grain and so find the truth.
The Road That Leads To Life is Narrow
The road that leads to destruction Jesus said is wide, and there are few that find the narrow road. So just because ‘Christian’ author X has sold however many tens of millions of books – let’s not be silly and assume that the number of book sales are an indication of the truth or quality of something. Milley Sirus and a thousand other ‘music’ artists frequently outsell their artistic counterparts when we all know the music is sub-standard compared to their lower selling counterparts. She simply has a larger, richer more powerful PR and marketing machine.
If something is assumed correct because a large number of people subscribe to a particular way of thinking, opinion or doctrine, then both Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all correct – when in reality they are all totally exclusive and set in total opposition against each other according to their own Holy books (don’t believe the Rick Warrens of today that tell you they are all singing from the same sheet – that is Catholicism ‘trying’ (and will probably succeed) to bring all religions and it’s so-called ‘daughters’ (protestant denominations) back under it’s control.
Just as the way is narrow and not wide, God has a still small voice and will not be heard by those just going with the flow. The noise will be too great to hear what God is saying!

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)