Surely there are no limits to what we ask for in prayer? You just imagine the Ferrari, or the healing, or the windfall, or the girlfriend, or the job, or the husband in front of you, and the ‘power of attraction’ will bring it to you right? Hmm… I’ve always been sceptical of this kind of thinking which is often called ‘new age’ doctrine but which in fact was the problem way back in the garden. “And ye shall be as Gods” were the famous words of the serpent.
Then to complicate things we have from God himself; “And you shall do things even greater than I” – Jesus’ famous words, and I believe every word he spoke. This was a man we know we can trust in 100% from what came out of his mouth. And to make prayer even more difficult to understand we have also been promised a blank check book for the kingdom of God!
But are there any limits to this check book for Heaven Ltd? Yes I believe there are according to David Pawson. I think he is right when he says; we must only ask for that which glorifies the father. The thinking should always be; “how will the Father glorify himself in this prayer request and what should I ask for in light of that?”
Mr Pawson – old school preacher that he may be, is as ever bang on the money – no pun intended! No name it and claim it or your best life now clap-trap. No having to know some secret – as if a loving God of the universe would keep anything desperately needed a secret from those that love him, as many of us are often subconsciously taught by modern new-age quasi-Christian books and churches.
Would a loving God require us to say a set of spell-like words or phrases with the correct spelling and pronunciation, as if He is sort of genie who would not help us if we said something imperfectly? Of course not. So what does he want from, and what are the real point of our prayers?
Well, as mentioned above David Pawson beautifully explains the reality of the real meaning of prayer, and clears away the fog of self, and of praying for personal gain, or praying for that of others even, none of which are necessarily wrong to pray for ultimately, but might and can often miss the whole point of prayer – namely to glorify Him.
Watch the video below for a proper explanation (unlike my garbled one) and better understanding of what we should ask really be asking for in prayer and why we should be doing it in the first place.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: