It’s utterly ridiculous; a couple of years ago governments around the world – especially the EU – announced they had gone to great lengths and made ‘great steps’ in helping to protect people around the world’s privacy. This had been ‘achieved’ by forcing any company that keeps personal data to give the user an ‘up front’ declaration of how their data was not going to be abused.
Then combined with the demand that at the drop of a hat – any web user could practically bring any small company’s activity to a halt by demanding their data be downloaded and packaged up and sent to that user at any time of day or night – lest you be sued to the hilt and never do anything useful again. Then of course all companies had to swear by the Internet god they would not keep data for more than x amount of years.
It’s all OK except…
All find and dandy – until you consider for a moment what governments themselves – the inventors and enforcers of these laws have been doing for decades – and will continue to do in ever more invasive ways – all leading up to the most awful and fully invasive form of privacy loss that is about to befall us all – that China-style social credit system – where literally every fart is recorded and could be used as ‘evidence against us’.
Governments, search engines & Facebook etc have profiled us for years – the horse already bolted
Governments of course ie politicians and those in ‘intel services’ – and all their friends in the big tech companies making millions of $$$ from harvesting our data and profiling us in a manner that would make Orwell blush – have been abusing this kind of privacy from the start – have been given had their green passes renewed to keep on syphoning off more and more data to use for profit and inventing ever more invasive ways to violate or privacy. It’s almost an attempt to make us forget they’ve ben doing it and will continue to do so – so the people focus on the dastardly little people like 101 – who have no interest in profiling you – harvesting your data to sell on to others – an outrage – or profiling you at all.
So I have to laugh and sigh – sigh when I see people on the streets protesting about the Covid lockdowns or anything similar – mean may God bless them – whilst their protesting is right (as things have been pushed by powers far from our shores to go way too far all over the globe) and God sees their righteous stance – it will come to nothing, since all people on the globe can be controlled by controlling their finances – and this is just around the corner with social scoring.
Time to get our papers as well as our houses in order
Our freedoms were already lost a long time ago while our future was being planned in their (Davos and big-tech friends – not just any old ‘they’) coming utopia – not in darkened rooms, but in the bouncy-castle colourful coffee rooms of big tech companies and the boardrooms of their friends in politics giving them a helping hand here and there – so long as they are all promised seats at the table of power in the new world. While we all argued amongst each other over race and gender and ‘equality’ and were entertained 24-7 with Netflix and Twittered and Facebooked day and night our lattes and cat videos – we effectively slept at the wheel. Meanwhile the globalist leaders around the planet stole the world from right under our noses. Time to get not just our papers – but our houses in order.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: