You cannot control anyone that is truly free right?.. and “the truth shall set you free” the Bible tells us. Nothing could be more true. So, where the Devil and his employees (wether they know they are employed by him or not) are concerned, everything has a fee attached – it must cost you something – everything has to cost you money or dependency or something. Dependence on drugs, porn, money hound-outs, a particular doctrine, a manipulative girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife, a particular pastor, a particular denomination, a particular activity – whatever it is – he wants you dependent on someone or something. Then he has you in the palm of his hand by simply threatening to remove what he has given you for ‘free’.
For example – sites like Fb, myspace etc etc are constantly advertised as ‘free’, but of course these sites and services is nothing of the sort. They costs you your privacy which is held on their servers and used to generate cash even though they go to great lengths to convince you otherwise. The concept of really giving something away for free is simply too much for most companies or people to get their head around.
This is why companies go nuts when I offer my dating service for Christians genuinely and completely free – they simply cannot compute or comprehend having to work on something and give it away free and besides, it messes up their plans to make merchandise of men. Accordingly I get lots of attacks and false negative articles on my site and the service it offers for free and even complaints from people who simply cannot believe my service is free before they have used it! Ye – true – I must be ripping them off like everyone else right? – wrong! This is the same reason the Pharisees who held and traded the ‘keys to life’ (so they thought) wanted Jesus who offered life for free – dead!
This is why all my web developers to date bar one (they probably had good intentions and were just unaware of what they were doing through fear of losing money) made it their business to tie me up in knots and charge me before they had completed the work, so that I was fully dependent on them and unable to seek help elsewhere if I wanted it. Whereas I am aware how the devil operate and always make the client feel 100% comfortable, make sure they have all their passwords, backups and anything they want, and let them retain full control over what was their work in the first place, and never attempt to make them dependent on me should they decide I am not doing a good job.
Not all dependency is bad. There is room for healthy dependency
Don’t get me wrong – dependency does exist in God’s world – but they are always healthy dependencies – a dependency of trust and love such as marriage and our dependence on God himself if possible would be total. We must not be like anarchists, feminists, and politicians and bad spouses that want total independence though total fear of being controlled. No – we must pick those we are willing to be dependent on carefully because we DO need governments laws and other people and we are foolish not to let others help us. This after all is what being a Christian is all about – we need each other and caring for our neighbours, our local brothers and sisters and those we run into along the way.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: