Let the Bible be of NO private interpretation the Bible says. It also says; you are in need of no man to teach you. It also says; the Holy Spirit can teach you all things! Does this mean we should not have teachers? Of course not – teachers can speed up our learning – but let’s pray they are teaching us the truth and not teaching us the doctrines according to them to suit their sinful lifestyle!
Love The Truth
Remember like Satan, bad people always try to drag people down with them as it makes them feel more comfortable in their badness as they can always claim when they meet God; “well everyone else thought it was right and doing it too!” But the Bible says we are without excuse – love the truth and God will reveal it to you (note He didn’t say you had to know the truth – just LOVE truth – they are different things. The Devil may know the truth but he doesn’t love it!) Always weigh up what you are taught against the Bible!
Let The Bible Be of No Private Interpretation (from The Bible)
This means do not trust the word or interpretation of one man. Listen yes – but study for yourself to show yourself approved and weigh his words against the words of other Godly men. Men are bad and corruptible – the Bible tells us so! This is precisely why King James gave the translation process to 50+ individuals to check each other’s work! He knew that a single man or a small group of men would try to translate the word of God with their own bias. H knew that man’s pride would not let him be shown up in front of other learned men so they would make sure they were seen to be honest in their translation is it was to be seen by many other leaned men – so King James was a genius to do this? – well – believer or not, he was just very wise to say the least.
But what this does mean, is that we can quite happily throw Calvinism, Lutherism, this-ism and every other ‘ism’ in the bin if we so wish! This includes Bible translations carried out by one man or small unaccountable groups. We are not under any MAN to understand God. Men may help of hinder our understanding depending on their goodness (remember God sends strong delusion to the ungodly). How else are even children able to understand salvation as it says in The Bible if we are to depend on men.
I mean are we really saying that if The Bible didn’t exist we would need the teachings of Luther, Augustine, John Calvin in order to be saved? I mean what did Moses do? His faith was accredited to him as righteousness. In other words; He trusted that despite God’s command to sacrifice his own son – God still had good intentions! He believed in God’s goodness despite what he saw with his eyes and this was credited to him as righteousness.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: epgb101@gmail.com:)