It’s not new news – but it seems to be doing the rounds at the moment on the web. I’ve been writing a book about this for years (since 2005) – that computers will make all social decisions in future. I’m sure Issac Asimov and many others have written similar stories years before me. Why will world leaders and their scientists do this?.. surely they would want to be in charge of making decisions themselves? The problem for the globalists is, no human is daft enough to give a group of known despots full and total control of the world (though the bible says power will be handed over – probably unwittingly to such people at some point).
However – the masses aren’t going to allow this easily – isn’t it a better idea convince them that a super-computer is infallible – and can make all the decisions for us – perfectly – without ever making un an unjust or socially unfair decision – bingo! And let’s not forget – who wants to make hard decisions related to who dies and who lives – whether it’s self-driving cars having to decide between swerving left and hitting one person or right and hitting 2 – or capital punishment? What better way than to palm of all decisions that require guts and courage to uphold or allow to pass to a non-sentient being – or at least some-thing other than a human with a conscience it has to live with?
So once the real power is in the hands of whoever really is running the world – be it the bankers – deep state (let’s not waste too much time trying to work it out but ultimately it’s not the political leaders we see in the media – it’s the folks with the most money – I suggest the tech companies in front, and their owners and financiers and lenders unseen at the back – nothing new under the sun right?) – the reason they need to insist all people opt into this all seeing eye system, since these computers will not have ‘human error’ and be deemed ‘infallible’ – and anyone that doesn’t go along will be deemed as a bad citizen.
Sure they may well be ‘infallible’ in terms of pure mathematical knowledge – but knowledge and wisdom are not the same thing. They can be like East and West. The answer to a problem may well be churned out of the quantum computer to be X – but once wisdom is applied it may and often does turn out to be Y.
The trouble is you cannot program or machine learn wisdom. It’s always God-given, and often in total opposition to pure ‘knowledge’ – salvation by knowledge (where have we heard that before?). This is why scientists in my opinion purposely misuse and mislead with words like ‘Sophia’, and apply it to a man-made droid, when in fact they should have called her Knowledge – not Wisdom. That act alone shows little of the latter.
The tech guys are clever no doubt – but think they’re on the cutting edge of something when in fact, many of us know-nothings have known these things were coming before they were born – simply because we read our dusty old Bibles “And the image was given the ability to speak…”
There is good reason why God limited our brains and life-span – damage limitation (imagine despots living forever – “there would be no flesh left” the bible says) – with full fore-knowledge we would unlock everything to our peril. It all plays into His foretold Revelations so we could see events ahead of time and will prove that much as we would like – man cannot live without God.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at:

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