Come on Christian people and anyone else willing to listen – it’s time to wake up. The entire German airforce could not bring down England, but the fear of saying a few words can. How did we end up here? Well The Bible is clear; if we throw God out with the bath water and embrace all the things that God forbids… he will in turn subject us to what the Bible calls ‘strong delusion’ – in this case – our delusion.
This means – not being armed with the Sword of Truth and the spiritual understanding and souped-up inoculation from falsehoods that loving God and His word provides us – we will be – according to the bible like lambs to the slaughter. God Himself says HE WILL SEND STRONG DELUSION to those that don’t love truth! (I didn’t say we must always know the truth – that would be asking too much in this confused world – but what God indicates is most important is that we must seek truth and love it – there is a difference – regardless of weather it goes against our lifestyle, which let’s face it – is usually the reason for rejecting truth).
So what can we do to stop the violence? What is at the root? Well, the people in the ‘know’ tell us at it’s root it’s about one or two bad people. But I say it’s not about one or two bad people, in fact at the root it’s not about people at all – at the root, it’s about ideologies. I mean can we go on allowing these people to put more and more band-aids on this problem without looking at the root? We need to stop being ignorant and uninformed and repeating like parrots everything we are told by ‘learned men’ and news anchors and others, and get informed ourselves by our own study to see what is at the root of an issue.
If there is one thing every man woman and child needs to do in England (and everywhere else on the planet where these problems are happening and have been for 1000s years) that no one (that I have heard) has suggested; instead of debating, why, what, how is this possible with endless vacuous chat by uninformed western critics and ‘journalists’ who clearly no real knowledge on this matter… if you do one thing in 2017 do this; download, and read the book. Which book? I’ll leave you to decide which one I mean. I suggest not even most clergy have done this. I promise every liberal lefty their jaw will drop like mine did and a feeling of stupidity – trusting people that the Brits are at letting ourselves be duped is not a nice one.
America – thanks to Donald Trump love him or hate him has done his homework, now has a chance of holding out for a season and getting it’s house back in order after years of people trying to bring it to it’s knees. Many countries in Europe – especially the godless nation of France have put their heads in the sand and already fallen to strong delusion and are seeing the consequences on the streets – just look at France. The UK has also become a godless nation which means if we don’t do something now, we are next to fall for the strong delusion. Incidentally – I have a 200 year old Bible that predicts this exact scenario and speaks of ideologies – those words we cannot mention – my jaw dropped when I read this in the commentary written by an old man before my great-grandparents were even born.
If we all did it as I did ten years ago, causing the scales on my eyes to instantly drop, the arguing on both sides would instantly stop, the TV debates would become obviously unnecessary, the why, when, what and how (and particularly why open borders are advocated by the super rich politicians on our behalf whilst all the while being surrounded by ten foot walls themselves – in case the public find out this is cause the public to demand that the elites take more and more power to make us ‘safer’) would be answered for us. If we all did this the mist and fog would clear, and our foolishness to have allowed this to happen right under our noses would become extremely painfully clear. Then and only then may something be done to stop it. Until then we are like fools groping around in the dark, and all the while giving the government more and more powers to ‘protect’ us. But as usual – don’t take my word for it – read it for yourself. I could be wrong, but I fear I am not.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: