Next time someone trots out the age-old line to you; “The Bible was written by men,” please reply by asking the person making the ‘accusation’ (obviously that it’s not inspired) what other method was God to use to prove that human writings could be inspired? Writing it with His own hand would not work. Perhaps He could have asked a dog or cat to write it. But the point is that God used men because that is the only way to prove that a text is inspired it must be written by some one – i.e some person i.e some human!
Their next question having realised the nonsense statement self destructs and cuts itself off at the knees will of course be; “well how do you know it’s inspired then?” Now we are getting somewhere because unlike any other book in history, this one book alone can be proved mathematically to have been inspired! Why and how? Because it’s the ONLY holy book that has hundreds of PROPHECIES made years before hand that have come true with exact precision.
These ‘predictions’ are not just guesses – these are predictions that actually happen – and whilst a few of these could have theoretically been ‘self-fulfilled’ (though that would beg the question why would a man want to be torn to shreds and then crucified for something he knew was a lie. People will die for something they believe is true even if in reality it is false – but no one will die for something they witnessed and know to be false – consider this in relationship to the Jesus giving up his life and the disciples who were at the scene and willingly gave up their lives – i.e – they knew what they claimed was true) the majority are not – in fact they can be proved like evolution to be totally mathematically impossible!
All you need to do now is challenge the doubter to do their own research and not take your word for it. If they are honest about their research they will – as hundreds of doubters before them have concluded that this book alone IS inspired by the one true God.
This explains why it’s the one religion that people hate because it required them to be accountable to a real God – not a man-made ideology or political system whereby they can atone for their sins in various ways by exploiting various loopholes.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: