The powers that be – whoever and wherever they are found in homes, families, schools, governments, nations and even some churches – don’t like The Bible because it’s the equivalent of a spiritual vaccine that protects a person or nation or whoever reads it against lies. Really? Yes. A person that knows the Bible WELL – and I mean well – has read the gospels back to back cover to cover many times and absorbed the millennia of wisdom it contains is not someone you can easily pass off a falsehood, or a half-lie or even a tiny drop of arsenic in the water.
Ignoring the corrupt leaders for a moment (God is far more interested in the spiritual health of a nations’ people) – just look at the two countries that’s laws were squarely based on the Bible – UK and even more so USA – the last bastion of real freedom on the planet we must fight to protect. If it wasn’t for the USA the world would be very different – sure some of it’s bad apples have spread some terrible things (and it might well be the sinful Babylon described in the Bible) but we would have NO freedom in the world at all without the Bible and it’s effect on the USA and it’s constitution. Once the USA goes socialist – the rest will go like dominos.
Hence the feverish attempt to bring it down by the globalists who don’t understand (or do and rather like the idea) why God introduced borders – to limit the damage the inevitable political corruption that happens when you have ever-more centralised power – because they haven’t read their Bibles.
Christians armed with Gods words and teachings inside them should be human lie-detectors
This makes it especially disliked by so-called ‘progressives‘ – sorry who said they could commandeer that word?.. communists or anyone or any organisation of governing body that is anti-God. This is why throughout history governments and even religious institutions have gone to such great lengths to stamp it out – it literally opens people’s eyes. It gives people a healthy skepticism about the state of all men’s hearts, instead of just hoping and praying that mankind is essentially good and all things tend in that direction eventually. They don’t – only a kind of pseudo-good – created by using a heavy state hand. Just like the universe – once in perfect order tends to disorder naturally – so left to their natural inclinations do men.
Listen to these KJV Bible gospel audio books back to back at night – at work – at play – whenever you can… you will be amazed at how many ‘questions’ clear up when the Gospels are listened to as a complete set of coherent books!
Tyrants always go for the root and seek to stamp out the Bible first
And now we see history repeating itself yet again where just about everyone is trying to demonise the Bible and ridicule it – all the while while they are literally standing on it’s shoulders and using the freedom of speech the very book they want to get rid of gave them. If you don’t believe that – just look at the state of governments and peoples around the world where the Bible is not freely allowed to penetrate the society and not taught in families and read and you see naturally see over time a sort of socialist communism takes hold as the only answer to all the problems of disparity – which the Bible says are the people’s (churches) to look after CHARITY – the greatest love – giving of money and often more valuably – our time.
Reading other men’s books and interpretations of the Bible are not enough
The fact is – when you read the ancient truths gathered together by men and edited together by the Holy Spirit working within renewed minds of men – it acts literally as a lie inoculation a spiritual lie detector for your mind and senses. Try pulling a political or any other lie on a well-versed Christian who understands why Jesus had to come – and why only God’s spirit in human flesh is big enough to deal with men’s wicked hearts and schemes. Look at politics – people are falling for anything and everything because they do not know Jesus’ teachings and the historical lessons carefully assembled for us in the Bible.
The Bible is self-interpreting if read with a heart open to The Holy Spirit and to sometimes difficult personal change
The bible warns us with example after example of almost every conceivable scheme that a person or mankind can try to perpetrate on others. It turns people families and nations depending on how widely known and absorbed its universal truths are into human lie detectors. That’s why throughout history anyone or any organisation that seeks to control a person, organisation, church or nation must first attack the bible first by ridicule and if possible by outlawing it.

I love God, Christ, The Bible. art, painting, playing music, improvising music, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical or art related. Quick note – my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive any errors – hopefully you get the essence of the article and I’ll pick up mistakes later. If you want to write of 101ChristianMagazine and inspire and edify Christians with articles on faith, general news, hobbies or anything that interests you email me at: